Daily Archives: 14 September 2024

Most Rev. Edward Slattery, Emeritus of Tulsa – R.I.P.

Please remember him in your prayers. With great sadness, Vicar General Fr. Gary Kastl has announced the death of Bishop Emeritus Edward J. Slattery. He died at home late into the night on September 13, 2024, (feast of St. John … Read More

Posted in Urgent Prayer Requests | Tagged

Daily Rome Shot 1120

This crucifix, in San Marcello, was carried through the city for days during the great plague of 1522. Because this cruficix had survived a massive fire it was deemed miraculous. A huge penitential procession went from the San Marcello to … Read More


ACTION ITEM! Ohio, W Pennsylvania, West Virginia! 12 October – Byzantine Catholic/Ukrainian “Oktoberfest: A Celebration of Mary’s Holy Protection”

My good friend Fr. Jason Charron, a Ukrainian Catholic priest in the Pittsburg area asked if I would let you know about this.  It is my pleasure to do so. The theme is connected to a beautiful project to build … Read More

Posted in Our Solitary Boast, The Campus Telephone Pole |