Daily Rome Shot 1122

This is where the “stamping” of things made of silver took place. I have an antique chalice with the silver stamps of the Papal States. I suspect it would have been done here.

3:16 isn’t just in John.

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. In Budapest at the Olympiad, India beat Azerbaijan, Hungary beat Ukraine (Rapport beat Ivanchuk) China beat Spain, USA beat Argentina (GOOD!).

    Levon and Fabi won as did Wesley (in 80 moves). Again, Magnus showed up soaking wet. He drew.

    Black to move and mate in 4.

    NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

    Interested in learning?  Try THIS. He has helped my game.

    I’m still hurting from Saturday.

  2. And this…

  3. David L. says:

    Straightforward. 1. … Qxf2+ 2. Rxf2 Ra1+ 3. Qc1 Rxc1+ 4. Rf1 Rxf1#

  4. Sportsfan says:

    In the upper left corner of the sign is something that resembles an American flag. What is that?

  5. I guess someone simply put a sticker on it.

  6. Sportsfan says:


Think, proof read, preview BEFORE posting!