Marini vixit, vivat Marini – a new papal M.C.

That might be a little exaggeration, but the Italian journalist Andrea Tornielli has posted on his blog Sacri Palazzi:

The nomination of Msgr. Guido Marini, of the clergy of Genoa, as head of the Office of liturgical celebrations of the Pope, replacing [Archbishop] Piero Marini (who will be nominated as head of the Pontifical Commission for Eucharistic Congresses) will be announced at the beginning of the coming week (probably even Monday). Guido Marini will take possession of the appointment after 21 October, that is, after the Pope’s visit to Naples. But on that occasion he will already be present together with [his] predecessor.

La nomina di mons. Guido Marini, del clero di Genova, a capo dell’Ufficio delle celebrazioni liturgiche del Papa, in sostituzione di mons. Piero Marini (che sarà nominato a capo del Pontificio comitato per i Congressi eucaristici) sarà annunciata all’inizio della settimana entrante (probabilmente già lunedì). Guido Marini prenderà possesso dell’incarico dopo il 21 ottobre, cioè dopo la visita del Papa a Napoli. Ma già in quella occasione dovrebbe essere presente insieme al predecessore.

I think not a few of us will be getting up pretty early on Monday to read the appointments.

Fr. Finigan says:

As the former Archbishop of Southwark, Most Rev Michael Bowen, once said in response to a rumour, "For all I know, it may very well be true."

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Mark says:

    How confusing! Out with one Marini, and in with another!

    Would he be like his predecessor? (I have heard things about the incumbent…)

  2. Legisperitus says:

    The new Marini looks young enough to have some good liturgical sense.

  3. Nick says:

    Am not following — is this appointment good, or not so good, or doesn’t matter

  4. Mathew Mattingly says:

    As far as I have heard, Guido Marini is a marked improvement over Piero Marini. He is supposedly far more open to traditionalist Catholicism and liturgical expressions thereof….including beautiful vestments, music, altars, decorations…and most especially the Tridentine Latin Mass.
    But to be totally honest, He still will have to prepare Papal Novus Ordo Masses. Let us hope they are much more visibly traditional in the true Catholic sense, than were the Masses of Piero Marini which seemd to be make-it-all-up-as-we-go-along affairs with music composions composed specifically for the occasion and then forgotten. UGH!

  5. And it was my dream to have His Holiness celebrate Mass with the 1962 use in the Basilica with His Excellency as M.C.

  6. Chris Garton-Zavesky says:

    Wouldn’t it be poetic justice to have the outgoing archbishop serve, as his last official function, as M.C. at a TLM at St. Peter’s, INSIDE, with proper treatment?

  7. Father Bartoloma says:

    And I thought ever since the Motu Proprio there wouldn’t be any more reasons to wake up early and log on to the Vatican News Service!

  8. Seamas O Dalaigh says:


    “And it was my dream to have His Holiness celebrate Mass with the 1962 use in the Basilica with His Excellency as M.C.”

    Judging by that rotchet he’s wearing it may well happen with the new MC.

    James Daly

  9. Peregrinus says:

    Let us hope they are much more visibly traditional in the true Catholic sense, than were the Masses of Piero Marini which seemd to be make-it-all-up-as-we-go-along affairs with music composions composed specifically for the occasion and then forgotten. UGH!

    Ah yes, Matthew . . . as in the books Archbishop Marini both prepared and MC-ed with for Pope John Paul II’s funeral and Pope Benedict XVI’s installation.

    Let’s see:

    Requiem aeternam . . . Sanctus . . . Agnus Dei . . . Lux aeterna . . . In paradisum . . . Magnificat anima mea . . . Tu es Petrus . . .

    Oh yes, Archbishop Marini was all about make-it-up-as-you-go-along.

    By the way, Matthew, even if he doesn’t measure up to your specifications, instead of just “Piero Marini,” since this is a respectable blog, you might want to use his ecclesiastical title. I guess you can still end with your traditional UGH! if you like.

    By the way, be looking for beautiful vestments for World Youth Day. As Archbishop Marini told a friend of mine at dinner in Rome recently, for World Youth Day, he brought the three designs forwarded to his office by the planners into Pope Benedict who was free, of course, to chose one of them or none of them. When he doesn’t want to wear a particular vestment, he simply doesn’t. The Archbishop mentioned a Mass in Cologne, where the Holy Father thought the chasuble prepared for the occasion was too long and so one of his favorite ones that had been brought along from Rome was substituted. He also explained that, during the reign of Pope John Paul II he – Archbishop Marini – had vetoed a number of liturgical proposals – indigenous, was the word he used – set forth by a group of African bishops in Rome for a Synod, as being perhaps appropriate during a papal visit to Africa but not for a Mass celebrated by Africans while in Rome. The African bishops, during lunch with Pope John Paul the next day, expressed their displeasure that these elements had been vetoed by the Papal Master of Ceremonies, and Pope John Paul promptly gave orders that the bishops’ proposals be incorporated into the liturgy. He even went out of his way at the end of the Mass to say how nice the “native elements” were to be experienced at a Mass in Rome.

    I suggest that your displeasure is misplaced. But we’ll know who the real culprit was/is in a few weeks, I suppose, if the sedia and the ostrich fans reappear!

  10. Peregrinus says:

    Mark writes, ominously:

    I have heard things about the incumbent…

    Oh dear, Mark, do tell!

    Sister used to tell the girls back in Junior High not to tease like that!

  11. Graham says:

    I have heard that Mgr Marini is excellent!

    I have praying for this day for years when Archbishop Marini finally leaves!

    Hopefully the end of liturgical dance and the like!

    I hope he is not thanked with a Cardinal’s Red Hat!!!

  12. RBrown says:

    The African bishops, during lunch with Pope John Paul the next day, expressed their displeasure that these elements had been vetoed by the Papal Master of Ceremonies, and Pope John Paul promptly gave orders that the bishops’ proposals be incorporated into the liturgy. He even went out of his way at the end of the Mass to say how nice the “native elements” were to be experienced at a Mass in Rome.

    I suggest that your displeasure is misplaced.
    Comment by Peregrinus

    Good story. The simple fact is that Msgr Marini’s show biz masses were what JPII wanted.

  13. Peregrinus says:


    You must have been at a different dinner.

    Don’t ever let any facts get in the way of your rant.

  14. William says:

    Peregrinus – Since you’re an insider, tell us who was responsible for those awful blue tie-dyed robes in Austria.

  15. RBrown says:

    You must have been at a different dinner.
    Don’t ever let any facts get in the way of your rant.
    Comment by Peregrinus

    Huh? All in all, I was agreeing with you: Those who blame Msgr Marini should look instead to JPII.

    BTW, I was in Rome and watched part of the closing mass for the African Synod on TV. I saw the faces of Cardinals like Pio Laghi almost explode. (The word was that Gantin refused to attend.)

  16. RBrown says:

    I was told that Msgr Stanislaw Dziwisz, who knew well the Wojtyla mind, also had a lot to say about what went on at Papal masses.

  17. Angelo says:

    Msgr Guido Marini
    I beseech Your Excellency to consign that
    ugly & disfigured cross, too often seen at papal
    ceremonies, to the dump heap. It is not at all
    worthy of Our Lord, nor of the Christain faith.
    Many are of the opinion that
    such a cross is associated with the occult.
    I do not know if this is true or not.
    However, what I do know is that it is not consistant with
    the beauty that our Catholic Faith inspires.

  18. Victoria says:

    Comment by Graham :
    I hope he is not thanked with a Cardinal’s Red Hat
    So what if he does? Are you praying for this too?

    The spirit of love and charity of some people here as in the Tornielli’s blog , is just the typical example of what a soul who want to be close to Jesus , should ignore.

    Fr.Z , you can be very proud indeed !

  19. David Kubiak says:

    If you read the theoretical essays by the outgoing MC you will realize that he was every bit as bad as his mentor Mons. Bugnini. His final triumph, he tells us, was to have gotten rid of the old white linen mitres worn by major prelates in the presence of the Pope, because of course their height smacked of Roman triumphalism. The degradation of Papal liturgies in the last forty years will be very hard to reverse because of the attention they receive from modern media. I remarked earlier that while a revival of the Solemn Papal Mass is clearly impossible I can’t even imagine the Pope celebrating the traditional Pontifical Mass at the Throne, since he cannot have the whole world watching people repeatedly genuflecting to him. The new MC’s job will be very tricky indeed, but I’m sure the great Dante is interceding mightily for him in Heaven.

  20. Graham says:

    The Holy See
    1 October 2007

    It’s official!!!!


    Il Santo Padre ha nominato Maestro delle Celebrazioni Liturgiche Pontificie il Don Guido Marini, del clero dell’Arcidiocesi di Genova. Guido Marini

    Il Don Guido Marini è nato a Genova il 31 gennaio 1965. Dopo aver conseguito il diploma di maturità classica, ha frequentato il Seminario Arcivescovile di Genova, dove ha ottenuto il Baccellierato in Teologia.

    Ordinato sacerdote il 4 febbraio 1989, ha poi conseguito a Roma il Dottorato “In utroque Iure” presso la Pontificia Università Lateranense e, nel 2007, la laurea breve in Psicologia della Comunicazione presso la Pontificia Università Salesiana.

    Dal 1988 al 2003 è stato Segretario particolare degli Arcivescovi di Genova: il Cardinale Giovanni Canestri (fino al 1995), il Cardinale Dionigi Tettamanzi (fino al 2002) ed il Cardinale Tarcisio Bertone.

    Dei Cardinali Tettamanzi e Bertone, nonché dell’Arcivescovo Mons. Bagnasco, è stato Maestro delle Celebrazioni liturgiche, avendo cura particolare nella redazione dei libretti liturgici e costituendo il “Collegium Laurentianum”, associazione di volontari per il servizio d’ordine e d’accoglienza della Cattedrale.

    Dal 2003 al 2005 è stato Direttore dell’Ufficio Diocesano per l’Educazione, la Scuola, con specifica competenza sull’Insegnamento della Religione Cattolica.

    Dal 1996 al 2001 è stato Membro eletto del Consiglio Presbiterale Diocesano. Nominato Cancelliere Arcivescovile nel 2005, è divenuto Membro di diritto del medesimo Consiglio Presbiterale e, con il compito di Segretario, Membro del Consiglio Episcopale.

    Dal 1992 insegna Diritto Canonico presso la Sezione di Genova della Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Settentrionale e presso l’Istituto Superiore di Scienze Religiose, dove tiene anche il corso di Teologia dei Ministeri.

    Nel 2002 è stato nominato Canonico della Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, della quale dal 2003 è Prefetto. Dal 2004 svolge anche l’ufficio di Direttore Spirituale del Seminario Arcivescovile di Genova.

    Ha pubblicato diversi volumi di spiritualità ed articoli su riviste.

    Ha svolto il proprio ministero soprattutto nell’ambito della predicazione, della direzione spirituale, dell’accompagnamento di gruppi giovanili e come assistente spirituale di alcune comunità religiose femminili.


    Il Papa ha nominato Presidente del Pontificio Comitato per i Congressi Eucaristici Internazionali S.E. Mons. Piero Marini, Arcivescovo tit. di Martirano, finora Maestro delle Celebrazioni Liturgiche Pontificie.

  21. RBrown says:

    il Dottorato “In utroque Iure” presso la Pontificia Università Lateranense . . .

    That means he is both (utroque) a canon and civil lawyer.

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