Older form of Confirmation conferred in the UK

I received this interesting e-mail.   


* Westminster bishop confers Traditional Rite confirmations
* Northampton bishop also to administer confirmations

Bishop John Arnold, auxiliary bishop in Westminster, administered Confirmation in the Traditional Rite at St James’s Church, Spanish Place, London on Saturday, 3 November at the request of Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. A record 54 candidates received the sacrament – 50 children and 4 adults.

In a new development, the LMS also announced that Bishop Peter Doyle of Northampton will administer Confirmation in the Traditional Rite to 7 candidates during a pastoral visit to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, Bucks on Sunday 18 November at 10.30 am. Bishop Doyle will also celebrate Sunday Mass in the Traditional Rite.

John Medlin, General Manager of the Latin Mass Society, said, “This is a very welcome development. We hope it will not be long before bishops all over England and Wales respond to pastoral demand for Mass and the Sacraments in the Traditional Rite. The parishioners of Chesham Bois are very grateful to Bishop Doyle for agreeing to offer the Traditional Mass and Sacraments.”

At St James’s, Spanish Place, a packed congregation of 600 family and friends were led by the St James’s choir in singing the Veni Creator Spiritus and other traditional hymns. During the anointing, the choir sang polyphony and plain chant. After the anointing, Bishop Arnold led the congregation in the Divine Praises and then conferred Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

After the Confirmations, at a reception, Julian Chadwick, Chairman of the Latin Mass Society, thanked Bishop Arnold for his pastoral concern and led the assembly in a traditional roof-raising round of applause. Bishop Arnold then spoke informally and cut the special Confirmation cake with many parents taking photographs. Later, the bishop mixed with the parents and children whilst everyone enjoyed the refreshments provided by the LMS.

John Medlin of the Latin Mass Society said, “This is the fifth consecutive year that Confirmations in the Traditional Rite have been arranged by the Latin Mass Society with the permission of Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. Our numbers are increasing every year and I expect this trend to continue after Pope Benedict’s recent Motu Proprio.”

For further information, please contact John Medlin, General Manager, or Yvonne Windsor, LMS Office Administrator, on (T) 020 7404 7284; (F) 020 7831 5585;

E-mail: thelatinmasssociety@snmail.co.uk

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. momof7 says:

    PBJC! The tides are turning all over the world..how refreshing..

  2. Jon says:

    My bishop, Kevin Rhoades, has told me himself that he’s studying the confirmation rite and will be confirming the children of our FSSP apostolate in Harrisburg this spring.

    One of my sons will be among this first group of confirmands in this diocese to receive the sacrament in the Traditional Rite, completely in Latin, in 44 years.

  3. Marcus says:

    May the newly Confirmed help speed the reconversion of England!

  4. John says:


    Have you heard anything about plans to expand the use of the extraordinary form out from the one location it’s been in for a while in the diocese of Harrisburg? I’d be interested in attending an extraordinary form mass locally sometime, but the current one is a bit far for me given gas prices, and a bit early in the morning given the distance and prep time that would be involved. I guess I may have to bite the bullet and just do it one Sunday, but I’m still holding out hope that they’ll be something closer at some point.

  5. ben whitworth says:

    All very heartening. When Peter Doyle was a parish priest in
    Winchester, I was MC at a quarterly TLM which he hosted. Although he was never the celebrant, he was very welcoming to the visiting FSSP priests. I reminded him of this when I wrote to congratulate him on his elevation – he sent a gracious reply.

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