Prayer request

Please pray for a priest who is a supporter of Summorum Pontificum who is undergoing serious persecution.

Many priests in years past have endured this.  I sure know what it is like.

Support is needed.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. O God who didst choose Blessed Pius V as supreme Pontiff in order to shatter the enemies of Thy Church and to restore the purity of the Sacred Liturgy; grant us his protection so that cleaving to Thy service we may overcome the snares of all our enemies and enjoy perpetual peace. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
    Pope Saint Pius V,
    pray for us,
    protect the Roman Liturgy.

    Saint John Mary Vianney,
    Cure of Ars,
    patron of priests,
    pray for our clergy.

  2. Fr Ó Buaidhe says:

    Prayers promised, likewise a memento at each Holy Mass. May the Confessors obtain for him the necessary graces.

  3. a religious says:

    I will remember the priest you mention in my rosary. May he have courage. Truth and good will prevail.

  4. Cerimoniere says:

    I will certainly pray for this priest. We’ve all known many such over the years, and been grateful for their sacrifices in providing the traditional liturgy for their people, along with the rest of their faithful ministry.

  5. Paul Murnane says:

    Prayers going up. May God grant him courage and strength and may his guardian angel watch over him closely.

    St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle……

  6. G says:

    Prayers going up.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)

  7. Serafino says:

    I will certainly remember this priest in my Mass.

    My suggestion to any priest who is in difficulty with his bishop is to consult a canon lawyer, and if need be, take the matter to Rome. Some bishops ( mostly liberal ones) have abused their authority in regard to the rights of priests.

    The only way some bishops can be stopped is to take canonical action against them. Failure to do so, will only encourage them to continue abusing priests.

    I know of one case where a very orthodox priest was “stripped of his faculties to preach” every time a “complaint” came into the chancery. Canon law suggests that only for “very serious reasons” should these faculties be revoked by a bishop. Once the priest took canonical action against the bishop, his faculties were never revoked again.

    As many priests know, if the bishop and his “cohorts” down at the Chancey like you, you can do no wrong, if they don’t like you, you can do good! Many years ago a very wise and holy priest in the seminary told us, “Priestly service is suffering service.” He was absolutely correct.

  8. Irulats says:

    “The Agony in the garden” for this good priest, that the Holy Spirit would swell his virtues.

  9. AnnaTrad says:

    There has always been a need to pray for priests trough out the history of the church, as their’s is the heaviest cross.I think this practice for the most part fall by the way side unfortunately at a time when it was needed the most in these decades. We must pray for all the Priests but especially those who are working so hard to restore all things to Christ. You and these Priests are always in my prayers.

  10. A Philadelphian says:

    I will offer my prayers too. There are a few priests here who are also having some trouble simply because they are faithful priests. This really saddens me, but we should remember to pray for our priests often, to offer sacrifices them, and to encourage them whenever we get the chance.

  11. Beth V. says:

    Fr.Z, I’m very sorry to hear this priest is suffering because of this great and beautiful act of 7/7/07 of the Holy Father. I will pray for him and for his superiors as well that they may gain some insight into the wisdom and beauty of Summorum Pontificum.

  12. Oremus says:

    Risen Lord Jesus, You love priests with all Your priestly Heart. Hear my heart-felt prayer for all our priests.

    I pray for faithful and fervent priests; for unfaithful and tepid priests; for priests who labor at home and abroad. For lonely and desolate priests; for young and old priests; for sick and dying priests; for the souls of priests in Purgatory.

    Merciful Heart of Jesus remember that they are weak and frail human beings. Give them a deep faith; a bright and firm hope, and a burning love.

    I ask that in their loneliness You comfort them; in their sorrow You strengthen them; in their frustration You show them, that it is through suffering that the soul is purified.

    Eternal High Priest, keep them close to Your Sacred Heart, and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity.


  13. Coletta says:

    Prayers promised through Mary Immaculate, Mother of Priests intercession.

  14. Limbo says:

    Offering up our own ‘Latin Mass’ persecution for this priest tonight and tomorrow as we have to drive a great distance out of our own diocese to be able to attend the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in it’s purest form.
    The drive will be short tomorrow.
    May the Lord reward this great good priest.

  15. Emilio III says:

    Prayer for Priests by H.E. Ignatius Cardinal Kung, Bishop of Shanghai, 7/16/1953:

    All Powerful and Eternal God, through the merits of Your Son Jesus, and through Your love for Him, I implore You, have pity on the priests of Holy Church. In spite of their sublime dignity they are fearful and weak, like all created beings. In Your Infinite mercy, inflame their hearts with the fire of Divine Love. For the sake of Jesus, Your Son, bestow grace on te priests and uphold them. Do not let them fall into temptation and tarnish their noble vocation.

    O Jesus, we implore You. Look with pity on the priests of Holy Church: those who are serving You faithfully and proclaiming Your glory; those who are persecuted for tending Your flock; those who are abandoned, weary and sorrowful; those who are lukewarm, confused and who have denied their faith; those who are sick, dying or in Purgatory. Lord Jesus, we entreat You. Listen to our supplication, have pity and console them.

    O Jesus, we entrust to You the priests of the whole world: the priests who baptized me, absolved my sins, offered Holy Mass and consecrated the Eucharist to nourish my soul. We entrust to You the priests that instructed me when I was ignorant, game me strength in my weakness, showed me the Way and the Truth and comforted me in my sorrow and affliction. For all the blessings they obtained for me, I implore you to support them in Your loving kindness.

    O Jesus, shelter our priests in Your Sacred Heart. Let them take refuge in Your mercy and love, in this life and to the hour of death. Amen.

  16. Emilio III says:

    Prayer For Priests by His Eminence Ignatius Cardinal Kung, Bishop of Shanghai (7/16/1953):

    All Powerful and Eternal God, through the merits of Your Son Jesus, and through Your love for Him, I implore You, have pity on the priests of the Holy Church. In spite of their sublime dignity, they are fearful and weak, like all created beings. In Your Infinite mercy, inflame their hearts with the fire of Divine Love. For the sake of Jesus, Your Son, bestow grace on the priests and uphold them. Do not let them fall into temptation and tarnish their noble vocation.

    O Jesus, we implore You. Look with pity on the priests of Holy Church: those who are serving You faithfully and proclaiming Your glory; those who are persecuted for tending Your flock; those who are abandoned, weary and sorrowful; those who are lukewarm, confused and who have denied their faith; those who are sick, dying or in Purgatory. Lord Jesus, we entreat You. Listen to our supplication, have pity and console them.

    O Jesus, we entrust to you the priests of the whole world: the priests who baptized me, absolved my sins, offered Holy Mass and consecrated the Eucharist to nourish my soul. We entrust to You the priests that instructed me when I was Ignorant, gave me strength in my weakness, showed me the Way and the Truth and comforted me in my sorrow and affliction. For all the blessings they obtained for me, I implore You to support them in Your loving kindness.

    O Jesus, shelter our priests in Your Sacred Heart. Let them take refuge in Your mercy and love, in this life and to the hour of death. Amen.

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