Abortion clinic taunts Catholic demonstrators

Soooo…. Now what do you think about my post The Problem With Toning Down the Rhetoric – And Why We Probably Won’t Do It ?

A biretta tip  o{]:¬/   to the young papist…. who got something from Lifesite.

My emphases and comments:

Abortion Employee Runs into Pro-Lifer, Keeps Going at Bizarre Rockford Abortuary

By Kathleen Gilbert

ROCKFORD, Illinois, July 7, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The pattern of abuse at a Rockford abortion facility has continued after an employee allegedly struck with his car a homeless man praying with pro-life protesters, and drove away, according to witnesses at the scene.

The vehicle reportedly struck Scott Griffin on Wednesday as it drove into the driveway of the abortion facility, where pro-lifers say workers frequently drive recklessly in an apparent attempt to intimidate those praying and handing out pro-life literature.

"The dark colored SUV the clinic worker was driving hit Scott Griffin with the mirror on the passenger side so hard the mirror was slammed back into the vehicle and Mr. Griffin was stunned and bruised," Rockford pro-life veteran Kevin Rilott said. 

"After the clinic worker hit him she didn’t slow down or stop to see how he was – she just kept going."

Another witness, George Lambert, said the female clinic worker "really nailed the guy hard – I couldn’t believe she didn’t even stop to see how he was."

City Attorney Kerry Partridge refused to comment on whether any suspects had been questioned or charged, saying only that the case is still under investigation.

LifeSiteNews.com (LSN) has previously reported on the bizarre behavior of the owner and a local abortion supporter at Rockford’s Northern Illinois Women’s Center. Pro-life protesters have been regularly harassed and grotesque displays remain in the abortion mill’s windows, including rubber chickens hanging from nooses, a crucified rubber chicken, a nun doll in a miniature coffin and displays with crucifixes and the words "Jesus loves you a**holes.[“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”]

One of the most recent additions to the facility’s displays is a hand-written sign that reads "NIWC 50,000; JC 50," which indicates the number of abortions performed at the Northern Illinois Women’s Center in comparison to 50 saved from abortion by "J.C." – or Jesus Christ.

In March, LSN reported that two young African-American men persuaded their female companion not to abort her child after they were horrified by the rubber chickens hanging by nooses in the abortion facility windows, which pro-lifers at the scene pointed out to them.

The recent Rockford incident continues a rash of violence against pro-life protesters and sidewalk counselors across the country in recent weeks. Last week a man was arrested after he pulled a gun on a woman offering him pro-life literature in front of a Phoenix abortion mill. Another vehicular assault occurred in June at a Chico, CA abortion clinic, where a pro-life protester was nearly run down by an SUV.  Witnesses report the driver was enraged by the graphic abortion image the woman carried. [Back to the incredibly thorny graphic image issue.] The suspected attacker was subsequently arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. EJ says:

    I quiver at the thought of any of those abortionists and employees dying with that sort of filth on their souls and having to account for it before their Creator, the same Creator of all of the innocent lives they’ve slaughtered there. I sincerely pray for their conversion.

  2. observer says:

    I suppose such folks will be placed on the newly created homeland “terrorist” list by Ms. Napolitano – not!

  3. Latekate says:

    They are bragging about how many babies they’ve killed???

    These people are sick, promoters of the culture of death.

    But let’s not accuse them of divisive rhetoric….

  4. LCB says:

    Fr. Z,

    Stop posting such things.

    Dont you know, using facts is harsh rhetoric. Tone it down. No harsh rhetoric. Remember, stop being so confrontational. Just co-operate and do as your told.

  5. Mr. H. says:

    So we’ll now be seeing all kinds of media reports about how inflammatory rhetoric on the part of pro-aborts is leading to pro-abortion violence against pro-lifers, right?

    Mr. H

  6. elmo says:

    In March, LSN reported that two young African-American men persuaded their female companion not to abort her child after they were horrified by the rubber chickens hanging by nooses in the abortion facility windows, which pro-lifers at the scene pointed out to them.

    Should we encourage more abortion clinics to advertise their services with window displays such as this?

  7. I continue to see this clinic’s efforts as similar to the taunts of Legion before it entered the swine and went straight off the cliff.

  8. I guess dialogue is out of the question?

  9. Ygnacia says:

    the female clinic worker “really nailed the guy hard – I couldn’t believe she didn’t even stop to see how he was.”

    When a heart is so hardened to the daily murder of helpless, innocent children, it certainly is no surprise that their hearts are also dead to their fellow man walking about…

    Our Lady of Guadalupe, please pray for them, and for all of us.

  10. Steve K. says:

    These people are under the direct influence of the demonic. The images and things they post, to gloat that they have killed 50,000 – 50,000! – it just boggles the mind. In that little clinic alone they’ve murdered nearly as many Americans as were killed in Vietnam. That is an amazing, incomprehensible number, industrial killing. They are living, eating, breathing murder – it should be no surprise that the woman conducting the hit and run against the protestor didn’t bother to see how we was. She meant to hurt him.

  11. Bill in Texas says:

    I read somewhere that the last words of Henry VIII were, “Monks! Monks! Monks!” It is thought that he may have been seeing the monks whom he had caused to be executed, some by being hanged, drawn, and quartered “properly” — that is, with the last two steps being carried out while they were still alive and conscious.

    It is a chilling thought that the last words of the owner and the staff of this establishment might be, “Babies! Babies! Babies!” Who knows what horrors they may see in their final moments?

    It’s 3:30 here. Time for Divine Mercy.

  12. momof8 says:

    Ive been to that abortuary. Seeing the chickens hanging from nooses- no words can describe the mockery, the hatred and the pure EVIL that resides there.
    Its amazing that women are NOT disgusted and offended by that upon pullling into the parking lot..

    Evil is NOT going to flourish there- as it has for many years. The Rockford clinic WILL be shut down and LIFE will prevail!

  13. Jeannie says:

    No wonder women die from abortion. The calculations of these “health care professionals” are off by two orders of magnitude: 50 is .1% of 50,000, not .001%. Miscalculating a dosage of pain medication by two orders of magnitude can kill both mother and child.

  14. CDN_Canonist says:

    Apart from the issue at hand, wouldn’t you think twice about obtaining services at a “medical centre” where the employees place hand-scrawled, profanity-laden signs (or rubber chickens!) in the windows?

  15. Lori Ehrman says:

    Today, Meg Fowler and I accompanied the St. Gianna YFL (we have a facebook) to two Dallas abortion clinics. We had about 17 youth with us and we prayed and sang in English and in Spanish(rather loudly) for a couple of hours in the Texas heat…All of the women looked our way and I pray our witness helped. Some went in and some left. May God bless those who do this every day. Once a week is very difficult.

  16. Andrew, medievalist says:

    [sarcasm] “But Father, but Father…clearly our harsh rhetoric means that it’s actually OUR fault that pro-abortionists do silly things. I mean, honestly, they’re not at fault for their violence!” [/sarcasm]

    Another example of the culture of no blame, no responsibility.

  17. Mila says:

    We are living in horrible times. This is sad and sickening. Let us redouble our prayers for all: for the mothers, that God will change their hearts; for the volunteers, that they may be steadfast in their witness; and for the doctors and clinic employees, that they will repent.
    Oh Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

  18. Mary Ann, Singing Mum says:

    What’s to stop a few strong priests in the area from dousing the area with holy water and saying prayers of exorcism? Lay people could also sprinkle holy water, leave or bury sacramentals, etc. I’m just wondering.

    Maybe a Lila Rose-style sting operation could also bring some bad press to this pathetic clinic. Time to get creative.

  19. Mary Ann, I was just thinking that sounds like a place that needs a major application of blessed salt and holy water. Bringing in an exorcist would help as well.

  20. BLC says:

    That is really, really sad.

  21. Dr. Eric says:

    How soon will it be that the abortuary staff will start killing the Pro-Life protesters?

  22. Complaining about such signs will soon be considered a hate crime.

  23. Mary Ann, Singing Mum says:

    Fr. Sticha, I thought the same thing about an exorcist. Gee, I wonder what would happen if every exorcist made visits to each abortion center in their diocese. Maybe this is already happening in places. Jesus really makes sure an amazing amount of grace is on hand, most especially through His priests.

  24. The Astronomer says:

    A miniature Auschwitz….and the people running it are gleeful. Remember, God is not mocked and these persons are rubbing His nose in the fact that they are slaughtering His creation and throwing it out the back door into bioseptic trash bags.

    Somewhere in Heaven, a clocking is ticking… We should pray, trustful that the Thunder of His Justice will prevail. There will come a time known to the Lord Jesus alone, when “He will loose the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword….”

  25. Mary says:

    Re: exorcists

    I’ve been involved in the prayer movement at the Rockford mill for a few years. Last year the Bishop gave permission for priests to go on Monday afternoons for an hour and pray exorcism prayers at the corners of the property. From what I understand the owner of the mill leaves the property for that period of time because he can’t stand it.

  26. jarhead462 says:

    These people are ghastly.

    Semper Fi.

  27. irishgirl says:

    Good Lord-are peoples’ hearts that hardened?

    50,000 innocent souls killed?

    God have mercy on the ones running this ‘clinic’!

    Fr. Sticha and Mary Ann-I was kind of thinking the same thing…an exorcist! Maybe someone on the level of say, Fr. Corapi? His voice would scare the crap of any demon!

  28. Muscovite says:

    Not only are these people evil–they’re stupid. 50/50,000 is not .001%; it’s .1%. This sign should be as scary as the chickens-in-a-noose window decor: can you imagine letting a nurse whose arithmetic is off by a HUNDREDFOLD calculate the amount of a drug she will administer to you??

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