New news on the Tridentine front

Older form of MassOn the site of Archivum Liturgicum we read:

12 Aprile 2006
La Liturgia romana non e’ mai stata abolita
Diverse fonti confermano che domani, Giovedi’ Santo, dovrebbe uscire un importante documento del Papa avente come argomento la validita’ attuale della Liturgia tridentina. Questo documento – si dice in forma di Motu proprio – e’ gia’ stato firmato e dev’essere solo promulgato ufficialmente. Recentissime udienze del Papa concesse al card. Arinze lasciano supporre ragionevolmente che la data di pubblicazione sia appunto domani.

My translation and emphasis:

12 Aprile 2006
The Roman Liturgy was never abolished
Different sources confirm that tomorrow, Holy Thursday, there ought to come forth an important document of the Pope having as its theme the present validity (probably read: juridical force) of the Tridentine liturgy.  This document, it is said in the form of a Motu propriohas already been signed and it needs only to be officially promulgated.   Very recent audiences granted to Cardinal Arinze leave us reasonably to suppose that the date of publication will indeed be tomorrow.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Angus McWasp says:

    Reasonable? Is is reasonable that a man of such exquisite sensibilities, calling us to deepers and more prayerful liturgy, would do this as the Triduum begins? Is it likely he would cause such excitement and wrench attention away from the meaning of the season by announcing this just now?

  2. That is a good observation. The Pope has never been one to do anything abruptly or harshly. You make a good point.


  3. Henry Edwards says:

    This is one way the suggestion of a Holy Thursday announcement has seemed a bit incongruous. Or any time else during the Sacred Triduum. But it might be appropriate for the document to be dated Holy Thursday though released next week.

    Someone actually in Rome right now whose judgement I trust recently said

    “look at the Holy Father carefully come Easter Week. … I predict Benedict will charm a world craving for the stability traditions offer and be in the news because of it. … Sometimes proceeding by indirection is the best way to get things done.”

  4. Nothing as of 21.30 and I am getting depressed. Hopefully, Mr Edwards is correct.

  5. seamole says:

    Dear Holy Father,


  6. Matt says:

    John Allen says no such thing in the Word From Rome. *His* source says no consensus, most bishops don’t want it, so that would be totally against B’s process to do something.

  7. Billie Chiricuzio says:

    I did not read this until tonight – Good Friday night and since noth8ing has been forthcoming yet – I wait. Maybe Easter Sunday or Easter Monday but whenever – it will be good news to me.

  8. I note with great interest what John Allen has offered. Mr. Allen, who is a friend of mine, is one of the best, probably the best, working vaticanista right now.

    All of this business has been speculation and, at least in this blog, has not been called anything else. At many times and places on the web, here and in the Forum I run, I have stated “I will believe it when I see it”. However, since speculation is a hobby of many, as far as this subject goes, it is good to couch the speculation in some concrete terms. That is what I did with this entry.

    My personal view is this. I hope that the Holy Father does do something to free up the older form of Mass. His thinking about its positive effects is surely correct and I have seen evidence of this. Of course, were this to happen, there would be a brief period of confusion, when some some priests whose prudence gave way to their enthusiasm would do inadvised things. Still, things would calm down and some healing could begin.

    Let’s wait and see what happens. I think something is afoot, but we are simply going to have to wait.


  9. Billie Chiricuzio says:

    per John Allen “”But Benedict is trying to operate on the basis of consensus, and there’s just no consensus,” he said.

    Didn’t B16 also say “The truth can not be determined by the majority vote”?

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