In dialog with Mike Aquilina of The Way of the Fathers fame we have come up with a cunning plan. 

With this post I solemnly announce the foundation of a new group, the… National Association of Patristiblogging Men which shall be called NAPALM.

There are some notable bloggers on Patristic topics, or better, patristiblogggers out there.  I hope they will stand and be counted.

We need a logo now!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Tim Ferguson says:

    NAPALM – burning out the underbrush of modern theology to see the doctrine of the Church with deadly clarity.

  2. I love the smell of NAPALM in the morning, especially during the Office of Readings.

  3. mike aquilina says:

    A logo for NAPALM, hmmmmm. Polycarp in the flames, but not consumed.

  4. Ray from MN says:

    Father: Might not “Natural” or “Neoclassical” or “Neo-Historical” or “Neologistical” or “Neo-Orthodox” or “Neo-Platonic” or “Neo-Scholastic” or ______ work better?

    You wouldn’t want to have your new organization founder over bitter disagreements as to membership eligibility. “National” seems a bit too limiting.

    I won’t touch the word “Men” right now but the word “Magistrate” does come to mind.

  5. Argent says:

    Oh, no! That was my nickname for NPM (the OCP crowd-you know, burning up liturgical music with HaugenHaas).
    I’ll have to re-orient my thinking now.

  6. Bill White says:

    Dear Father,

    Here’s my application for membership in NAPALM:

    The Rosary Blog idea might be something a group of NAPALMers could take over: “Writings of popes, saints and the fathers of the church on the mysteries and prayers of the Rosary.”

    Cheers –

    Bill in the vast prairies of central Illinois

  7. Don Marco says:


  8. Don Marco says:

    Padre Z, Would you be kind enough to drop me a line at my e-mail address? Grazie. Don Marco

  9. Maureen says:

    [pedantry on]
    But I thought they used Greek fire back then?
    [pedantry off]

  10. Maureen says:

    Oh, and are we talking Patristiblogging Men as a translation of “vir” or of “homo”?

    Nervous Agitated Petitioner Maureen

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