Frontenac, KS: catechesis series on the Extraordinary Form

The Morning Sun in Kansas has a good article on the introduction of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite according to Summorum Pontificum in.

There will be an interesting series of classes in Frontenac, Kanasas.

Let’s have a look at the article with my emphases and  comments.

Latin Mass education series begins Monday

A week-long education series focusing on the traditional Latin Mass will be held during the week of March 10-13 at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Frontenac.  [We need three things in great abundance and frequncy: catechesis, catechesis and then some catechesis.]

Fr. James Jackson, FSSP, will conduct the nightly programs, which will be followed by the Tridentine Mass [well… okay…] — the form of the Mass used for centuries until the 1960s. [and after]

Each program will focus on some aspect of this traditional form of worship that many church members may never have had the opportunity to experience, according to Fr. Robert McElwee, Sacred Heart pastor and organizer of this Lenten series.

"I am hoping that this will be an opportunity that appeals to Catholics no matter what their age," Fr. McElwee said. "For those over 50, it will be the Mass which they grew up with and for those born after the reforms of Vatican II, it will be a chance to participate in a liturgy centuries old they’ve never had the chance to know themselves."

He explained that the Traditional Mass [well… okay…] — also known as the Tridentine Mass [well… okay…]differs significantly from the Mass now offered. [Although we must admit that when the Novus Ordo is celebrated properly and in a Roman style, ad orientem, etc. there are fewer differences between it and the TLM than there often are between celebrations of the Novus Ordo between parish and another!]  In addition to the Latin prayers, which are different than those used in modern liturgy, [Not all of them!] the priest faces the altar in order to lead those in attendance to prayer. [Okay… this is pretty good.  It avoids that cliche we all hate.]

It was replaced, Fr. McElwee said, after the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s paved the way for the new Mass [well… okay…] used widely today in local languages. Interest in it was renewed following Pope Benedict XVI’s decision last year to allow expanded use of the Tridentine Mass in parishes if requested in the parish.

"Many of those who grew up with Mass in Latin have repeatedly asked me if it was possible to have this option here at Sacred Heart," Fr. McElwee said. "Younger members of the parish have expressed curiosity. This seemed like a perfect approach to reintroducing the concept."

He acknowledged that offering the Mass in Latin [grrr] has, over the years, been controversial.

"The faithful who feel that the modern version of the Mass in the language of the people is superior have come in conflict with those who value what was a universal age-old ritual," Fr. McElwee said. "It has been suggested that the Latin mass [grrr] is a step backwards."

Pope Benedict addressed this in a letter following his announcement, Fr. McElwee said, indicating that a wider use of both rites will enrich each and promote "interior reconciliation in the heart of the Church."

"We are fortunate to have an acknowledged expert on the topic — Fr. James Jackson [?  I don’t know him, but I am sure he is a fine fellow.] — to lead us in discussion and reflection on the Traditional Mass," Fr. McElwee said.

Fr. Jackson is currently chaplain at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Littleton, Colo. Prior to this assignment he served in various capacities including rector of Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Neb., pastor of the Parish of St. Peter in Tulsa, Okla., and as a U.S. Navy chaplain in the Persian Gulf War.

A Kansas native, he attended the University of Kansas before entering St. Pius X Seminary in Erlanger, Ky. He completed his theological studies at Mount S. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md., and was ordained in 1985.

Schedule of events will be as follows: Monday, 6:30 p.m., "The Art of Teaching and Attending Mass I," [intriguing title] 6:30 p.m., followed by Traditional Latin Mass at 8 p.m., Sacred Heart Parish, Frontenac; Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., "The Basics of Prayer and the Mass," 6:30 p.m., followed by Traditional Latin Mass at 8 p.m., Frontenac; Wednesday, "Influence of Latin Mass on Western Civilization" [Excellent!] at noon at the Overman Student Center, Pittsburg State University, "The Gestures and Symbols of the Mass" at 6:30 p.m., followed by Traditional Latin Mass at 8 p.m., Frontenac; Thursday, "Questions and Answers Regarding the Traditional Latin Mass," 6:30 p.m., followed by Stations of the Cross at 7:30 p.m. and Traditional Latin Mass at 8 p.m., St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Arma; and Friday, 7 a.m., Traditional Latin mass, Frontenac.

The Lenten series and the Latin Mass following will be open to all interested persons. Anyone needing additional information may call the Sacred Heart Parish office at 231-7747.

That sounds like a really good series!  I would love the good audio files from the classes. 

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Kim Poletto says:

    Frontenac is in for a wonderful experience not only because of the “topic” but also because of the fact that Father Jackson will be giving the presentation. We at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, have in the past and continue to be, incredilby blessed with wonderful priests.


  2. Paul Murnane says:

    Sounds wonderful! I second the call for audio files. I also hope a video camera shows up, particularly for the session on gestures and symbols.

    Kudos to Fr. McElwee and Sacred Heart!

  3. Ryan Sumpter says:

    Iam a member of the parish as well Iam the parish m.c. And I know thath the mission will be taped and there will be audio recordings. Ryan Sumpter

  4. Jeremy says:

    Sweet, this is like 5 minutes from where I work. I’ll attend the Wednesday session at PSU during lunch. I’d go to the others, but I live in Carthage, MO (where we will soon be starting our own monthly TLM). Maybe I’ll be able to work one of those night sessions in…

    I’d love to get the audio for what I can’t make as well.

  5. John says:


    I’m very sorry that I didn’t check this till now. The Morning Sun had it wrong, the PSU session in the Overman Center is today. Sorry if you didn’t hear that before now!

  6. Lindsay says:


    I agree with Kim – they’re really in for a treat. Fr. Jackson’s deep love for the Church, Her liturgy, and especially Her people is unbelievable. It is a delight to see him every time I go home on a school break. He offers his parish excellent short catechesis lessons in most of the Sunday bulletins, and he told me last Saturday that they will all be available on Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s website, which should be launched around a month from now. His impeccable precision in following the rubrics (related to his military background?) facilitates the most beautiful liturgical celebrations at which I have ever been privileged to assist.

    The article doesn’t mention this, but he is also a former Southern Baptist. I’ve met precious few priests (two of whom also serve OLMC in Littleton) so in love with Holy Mother Church. I can’t say enough good things about his faith, devotion, knowledge, and love.

    Just wanted to throw in a good word for my Father! :o)

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