During my recent trip to Michigan, I not only had a hard time accessing the internet at certain moments, but I was also really busy. So, I am catching up on the hundreds of e-mails that stacked up in my in box.
It may be that other sites picked this up, but I like the photo and so its my turn.
This is from the site Dignare me laudare and it portrays the elevation of the chalice during the Mass of a new FSSP priest, Fr. Romanowski, in the crypt of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception:
Thanks Father! You know a Catholic blogger’s “made it big” when Father Z links to it. ;-)
I’ve seen two Solemn High Masses on EWTN, but this was the first I ever attended (I’m 52). As I was kneeling, I kept wondering why did we ever (try) to get rid of this? Whomever said that the SHM is “The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven” was spot on.
After the Mass, Fr. Romanowski gave us his first blessing. He asked me to pray for him. Father, I will. Always. For you and all the priests of the world and for those young men who are now being called.
A beautiful Mass indeed. Many thanks to Fr Romanowski and the other clergymen of the FSSP and to the schola that sung that night. Your efforts are GREATLY APPRECIATED. There was a good crowd at the Crypt Chapel that night despite the fact of no official notification on the part of the Shrine was made for this Historic Mass.
The quote is by the Anglican convert Fr.Frederick Faber who was decribing a solenm high mass.
Fr. Z — you may be interested to know (as mentioned by Fr. Buckley in his homily) that William Cardinal Baum, former archbishop of Washington, stepped in to upgrade the location from the tiny (albeit beautiful) Lourdes chapel to the much larger crypt church.
I remember Fr. Romanowski from Steubenville. May he have many blessed years as a priest!