Good news from St. Louis: reconciliation draws closer

Interesting information from the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

You might remember that in that great city there was a bit of a war between the chancery and a national parish with Polish heritage, St. Stanislaus.  The parish had fallen into a type of "trusteeism" and the Archbishop, H.E. Raymond Burke, tried to set things right.  People dug their feet in, resisted the Archbishop, a priest came in from another diocese without faculties and got involved.  Suspensions and excommunications resulted.  A real mess.

Now I read this:

Three Saint Stanislaus Board Members Reconciled With Church—Lawsuit Filed To Reconcile Former Parish

The Archdiocese of St. Louis issued the following statement on July 23, 2008:

ad_news.jpgMrs. Bernice Krauze, Mr. Stanley Rozanski, and Mr. Robert Zabielski, members of the Board of Directors of Saint Stanislaus Parish Corporation, met last month (June 10) with Archbishop Raymond L. Burke to be reconciled fully with the Catholic Church. They are once again in full communion with the Catholic Church and are no longer under any censure.

Since then, the three have joined other parishioners of the former Saint Stanislaus Kostka parish in filing a lawsuit against the Saint Stanislaus Parish Corporation. The lawsuit is asking for the corporation to adhere to the 1891 Bylaws, to which the parish and the Archdiocese of St. Louis had agreed. If the lawsuit is successful, the Archdiocese of St. Louis is prepared to appoint a Catholic priest, Rev. Michael Marchlewski, S.J., to Saint Stanislaus as administrator.

This is very positive news.

What’s going on?

The group who is reconciled have asked for help from the Archdiocese to reconcile the former parish with the Archdiocese.

So, the group along with the Archdiocese of St. Louis filed a lawsuit against the St. Stanislaus Parish Corporation in St. Louis City Court. The lawsuit ask the corporation to adhere to the 1891 Bylaws, to which the parish and the Archdiocese of St. Louis had agreed.

If the lawsuit is successful, the Archdiocese of St. Louis will appoint a priest as an administrator.

Remember: no excommunication need be permanent.  They are intended as remedies to heal wounds the offenders cause to the Body of Christ, the Church.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. patrick f says:

    Praise Be To God Almighty!

    Seeing this, being a part of this diocese brings warm feelings to my heart

  2. KC says:

    The place to go for news on this is

  3. Mike says:

    Latinophiles, I was hoping someone could translate this for me (I think I got the gist of it, I just want an accurate English translation to pass around):



    Thanks in advance!

  4. dcs says:

    I wonder if this has anything to do with Fr. Bozek’s participation in a women’s “ordination” ceremony?

  5. James Garrison says:

    I sort of doubt that the mainstream media will pick this up (the reconciliation, that is) and cover it in the way they covered the excommunications in the first place. There won’t be an article saying “how compassionate of the Church to so quickly lift the excommunications of these.”

  6. Tom in NY says:

    Plaque for Mother Cabrini:

    Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini, adorned with all virtue (strengths?), placed here on the ground with her own hands, this picture of the Most Sacred (literally holy) Heart of Jesus, made with jewels (stones?), in the year of Our Lord 1912.

    Where’s the inscription?

  7. Chironomo says:


    Here Mother Francis Cabrini, in all her virtue, personally (with her own hands?) placed on the ground this jeweled (polished stone?)picture of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    The Year of Our Lord 1912

  8. Not Getting Creaky Just Yet says:

    KC, you have a spelling error in that link. Try instead.

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