
Oh dear…


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. JonM says:

    There are many facets to the Gulf situation and the effects on animals.

    Studies show that people get more upset when they see animals harmed than people; perhaps part of this is a mix up of priorities in modern culture (I think this is so) and perhaps another part of it harkens back to what Cardinal Newman eloquently stated, that the inherent defenselessness of animals makes them so sympathetic.

    Many liberals get very upset when they see animals sufficating in oil and Corexit; yet, they remain stoney in their support of abortion in which human offspring of tortured to death (be it dismemberment, chemical burns, or even delivery and abandonment.)

    Any society that is given to such intense evil should not be shocked that a Gulf disaster will occur?

    As our Pope so rightly observes, modern Western society is yoked tightly to Mammonism. Creating ‘business ethics’ and corporate persons has led not only to a destruction of the free-market of organic small business; indeed it has encouraged reckless behavior to the point of threatening entire regions.

    British Petroleum was cheap in its cement job and so cavalier in dealing with dramatic pressures. A former contractor has publically stated that BP does not care about cleaning up the oil. This makes sense; the ‘clean up’ is a sham with all the rules governing workers (cannot wear respirators, cannot get close to animals, etc.)

    I know that some saw hints of Wormwood with this disaster; I think that instead this is God allowing man to mess up in a big way. All of that ‘I don’t need redemption, I never killed anyone’ nonsense is coming home to roost. Sadly, many many innocent people will have their lives completely wrecked. I think emphasizing how God uses hardship as a chance for us to unite closer to Him.

    No one suffered more than Him (the Garden) and no one felt more lonely (on the Cross,) ans so as with any disaster, it is often the most innocent invited to intimately share in the Passion.

    It is deeply upsetting and saddening to see animals suffering on such a massive scale. The hope is that we will turn away from sin and follow the Gospel.

  2. Working in the Coastal Studies department at LSU way back, helped me to see the depth of what has occurred now. Back in 1997, a category 5 hurricane and oil rig explosions were talked of and how they would impact the Gulf’s fragile ecosystem. The discussion among the prominent scientists was usually about the disregard that politicians and the core of engineers paid to actual problems caused by human impact.

  3. moon1234 says:

    This is all by design. Obama wants his cap and tax bill he wants his green energy bill. People need to realize this will most likely kill 1/3 of all life in the ocean. The dispersants they are using are highly toxic, more so than that oil. It is designed to breakup the oil so it does not rise to the surface. It is designed to prevent us from seeing the extent of the damage.

    This oil and the dispersant will eventually hit the gulf stream and carry this mess worldwide. Think of the millions of people who will DIE because their food source has been murdered. Think of the politicians who are doing NOTHING or actually hindering the cleanup. This spill will kill so much life in the ocean and poison so much of the costal shores that any life remaning will be severly harmed. Some species will most likely go extinct.

    What we are NOT seeing is mostly likely 1000 times worse.

  4. Ack, the poor wee thing…. :(

  5. Norah says:

    Many liberals get very upset when they see animals sufficating in oil and Corexit; yet, they remain stoney in their support of abortion in which human offspring of tortured to death (be it dismemberment, chemical burns, or even delivery and abandonment.)

    It is not only liberals who get upset when they see animals suffering; most people would feel the same.

    People are not as affected by abortion because the result of abortions – dead, dismembered preborns – are not featured on the nightly news.

  6. Tom in NY says:

    Let’s pray there are not nine more plagues to follow. And let us pray for an end to abortions.
    Salutationes omnibus.

  7. bookworm says:

    This is indeed a terrible disaster and we likely will not know the full extent of it for some time.

    However, there was a similar oil spill in the Gulf, off Yucatan, more than 30 years ago — the Ixtoc I disaster of 1979 — which the BP disaster only surpassed in the last week or two. The Gulf seems to have recovered from that and survived fairly well for the last three decades, so if BP can get this spill contained fairly soon, and no tropical storms or hurricanes spread the oil around, the results may not be as apocalyptic as predicted.

    I seem to remember that there were also lots of doom and gloom predictions about the environmental effects of the oil wells Saddam Hussein torched during the first Gulf War, but again, once contained, recovery did occur.

    I don’t mean to minimize the seriousness of this disaster but just to remind people that it isn’t necessarily “the end of the world”. Nature, God’s creation, has incredible resilience.

  8. rakesvines says:

    I heard that it is now a felony to take these pictures or go near the Obamaspill. I have videos and more pictures over here: http://divine-ripples.blogspot.com/2010/07/first-amendment-right-suspended-to.html

  9. When you do whatever you want without regrets, pretty soon you’re living without egrets.

  10. irishgirl says:

    Poor creatures down there….this is all because of man’s greed.

  11. Henry Edwards says:

    irishgirl: this is all because of man’s greed.

    Is it clear that simple greed is the reason the government required that BP drill further out at a dangerous (as it turns out) depth of a mile or more?

    Rather than closer in on the continental shelf at a depth of only 1000 ft, where the technology is safe and tested, with thousand of wells drilled without mishap. Perhaps the political reasons for this tragic policy were more complex.

  12. Jaybirdnbham says:

    This question concerns the link provided by rakesvines to Divine Ripples blogspot.
    I just watched the included you-tube video, which describes the oil spill as an orchestrated plot by the government and other entities, to kill off large chunks of the (often low-income and welfare-dependent) population of the gulf coast by use of the toxic dispersants.
    I’d like to see if anyone here has enough knowledge of geology, the oil industry, etc. to offer an educated opinion on this video.
    I.E. is this a totally loony “conspiracy theory” or does this theory have some merit or validity?

  13. Sandy says:

    I believe you are right on, JonM and Norah. What is hidden from view (the horror of what takes place in abortion) cannot affect people. Tom in NY, I am afraid abortion will not end until there ARE “more plagues”, which God uses to get our attention.

    In addition to greed, however, another reason the drilling is at this dangerous depth is because the environmentalists have pushed it away from the safer depths closer to shore.

  14. PS says:

    Guys, the inability to accept this tragedy as simply the great tragedy it is without some knee-jerk complaints about abortion or blame-shifting conspiracies is the very reason progressive Catholics (and atheists) get away with calling us trads myopic.

  15. DisturbedMary says:

    PS, “us trads”? You?

  16. Eric says:

    Of course Suberbanbanshee you know..
    “Growth in wisdom may be exactly measured by decrease in bitternness”

  17. rakesvines says:

    @Jaybird… I guess you were addressing the group what they thought of the conspiracy theory video. I just posted it – for what it’s worth – together with my own disclaimer. Like you, I don’t know about it’s merits. But since it’s out there, might as well let the reader be the judge. I was hoping that someone would leave a comment.

  18. robtbrown says:

    Working in the Coastal Studies department at LSU way back, helped me to see the depth of what has occurred now. Back in 1997, a category 5 hurricane and oil rig explosions were talked of and how they would impact the Gulf’s fragile ecosystem. The discussion among the prominent scientists was usually about the disregard that politicians and the core of engineers paid to actual problems caused by human impact.
    Comment by GalacticCatholic

    IMHO, the disregard by politicians is a simply matter of electoral power. An electoral giant like Florida is going to get more attention (and money) than peewees like Louisiana and Mississippi.

  19. JosephMary says:

    This is indeed a terrible ecological disaster and as to the human ramifications we can only guess at.

    The government does not seem to be doing much. If Bush was in office I think there would have been much loud howling. Sort of like the wars: more soldiers have died in the last year and a half in Afganistan than the years preceding. No protests? Where are the peace and justice folks? I don’t get it.

    My own take on ‘conspiracy theories’ is that there is just a waiting for the right crisis. Swine flu was not it. The oil spill is not quite affecting enough of it. But something will happen sooner or later and the laws are in place to be used against American citizens. Is this all just a crazy idea? Time will tell.

    I refuse to fear and I hope I will also refuse to compromise on my faith.

  20. JonM says:


    If I implied that I was poo-pooing the harm against wildlife or that caring is a liberal position, I misspoke. I really meant to illustrate how horrible the suffering of animals is – and that we should not be surprised by it given our sick culture.


    It behooves us to point out why ‘plagues’ occur. We are a decadent culture that permits as a matter of course millions of abortions. I think this is in line with the warnings offered by the Prophets against apostate governments in Israel.

    Further, exploring the political and corporate considerations regarding events is important. It is important to understand some wish to ‘let no good crisis go to waste’ and that transnational mega corps often care only about money.

  21. Mrs. O says:

    The saddest part is that this could have been avoided to a degree- it did not have to be a catastrophe of this size.
    For those that think that depth of well is dangerous, they have others out there that are deeper.

    Our misuse of the environment will only be curtailed with the changing of human hearts – not necessarily laws – although I give credit to Obama for not allowing competent people in to help.

    I do not think the drilling of oil is a bad thing. Most of what you touch and use today is made from some petroleum products – not excluding some vestments (no matter how gaudy or not) and candles to medicine, etc.

    So if we were to stop drilling all together a lot of things would come to a stand still – jobs – and things that were affordable, used in the medical industry, shoot sky high – this isn’t even including gas, fuel, for cars.

    As sorry as I am for the impact this is causing, and has caused on the wildlife, the extent could have been avoided with competent help.

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