I am in Pine Bluff, WI, in the Diocese of Madison, to help on the First Friday, with an outstanding men’s group started by the parish priest, Fr Heilman.
For the Knights of Divine Mercy tonight we began with Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form, Exposition, and then a period for confessions. The chaplet of Divine Mercy was recited, the Blessed Sacrament temporarily veiled, and now the local bishop, Most Rev. Robert Morlino, is speaking.
His Excellency had touched on how the Church has become feminized, and how important it is for men to be men. He has touched on the damage rejection of Humanae vitae did, along with no-fault divorce, to marriage. “We have to stay focused on accountability for our commitments, even before the state.” “There are demands built into human nature.”
Once the way is opened by totally contraceptive, sterile, marriage, then the way is opened to calling anything you want marriage.
He is moving on to orientation and “gender identity”.
He is hitting one after another out of the park!
His Excellency is my bishop. If he continues with this kind of holy apostolate, he, too, like Bp. Sample, may be on to a new, larger and more challenging assignment. I hope not because this is “mission” territory and Catholics need Bp. Morlino here to teach them what is means to be a true Catholic. But God’s will be done.
Qui habet aures audiendi, audiat.
A friend asked me a while back to join this group. I now wish I had, would have loved to have been there tonight. Not my Diocese, but wish it was!!
For those who are having a hard time locating Pine Bluff on a map, it’s because the community is unincorporated. It is about five miles south of Cross Plains, WI. In this part of Wisconsin, the settlers built a catholic parish about every five miles. Some of the communities grew up, but some of them remained “field churches”. I have two of these field churches now for my assignment. It makes me proud of my German heritage.
Pine Bluff is a beautiful spot for Catholic prayer and worship. I was blessed to be assigned to this parish as a deacon, along with its sister church in Mt. Horeb, WI. Bishop Morlino has been a true blessing to this diocese, and I will beseech Almighty God to keep him here. I give Bishop Morlino much of the credit for our constitutionally protected definition of marriage in Wisconsin. When it was coming up for referendum in 2006, Bishop Morlino had a recorded message played from all the pulpits of the diocese. It was a shock to the liberal media, and the Bishop took a lot of lumps for it, but his strategy worked.
A true shepherd. I am in awe.
Field church describes the parish where I received my sacraments. It is, to this day, surrounded by sheep and corn fields.
Beautiful church and wonderful to see so many men in attendance.
Deo Gratias!
Please pray that a male member of my family who lives just outside Madison will come back to the Church and join this group. Is it diocesan only, or national, or international?
What a great apostolate! Does anyone know if something similar exists in Europe? My son is only 12 but I will show him their website, which looks great. He already has a great devotion to St Michael and I’m sure this is the kind of thing that would appeal to him in the future. Deo Gratias.
I love my bishop! Supertradmum, I prayed for your family member.
Knights of Divine Mercy is a GREAT group and local men should definitely get involved. It is currently local (and not just for the parish, all men are invited) but they seem open to expanding nationally so I think pastors in other places who want to have a KDM group should contact Fr Heilman and inquire. They really have a tremendous program, strengthening men in the Faith and making them better husbands and fathers. They also have a boys’ group, Squires of Divine Mercy.
Elizabeth, I’d love more info on the Squires group (I searched the website but couldn’t find any). Our boys are currently in the Columbian Squires (youth version of KofC), but this seems more up their alley. I think my husband could get excited about a men’s group like this too. When I see all the great things going on in Madison, I wish we still lived in our Rockford diocese home ~ we’d be driving up for lots of your events!
inara, http://squiresofdivinemercy.com/
inara, info is slim on the website.