Detroit has many problems. Here is another.
From ABC:
Threats Force Satan Statue Unveiling to Secret Detroit Venue
An 8½-foot-tall bronze monument featuring a goat-headed Satan will be unveiled at a secret, ticketed event in Detroit after the owner of a popular restaurant and entertainment complex backed out and opponents issued threats, organizers said.
The 1½-ton Baphomet, which is backed by an inverted pentagram and flanked by statues of two young children gazing up at the creature, [?!?] shows Satan with horns, hooves, wings and a beard.
The Satanic Temple, a group that advocates for the separation of church and state, [Therefore, allies of the Madison based Freedom From Religion Foundation.] will release the location of the unveiling on the day of the event, and details will be sent to ticketholders only, the group’s co-founder Lucien Greaves told The Associated Press Monday.
“Tickets are going to be pre-ordered to cut down on harassment … people threatening to burn the venue down,” Greaves said. “We’ve gotten those kinds of messages.”
“If people don’t want to come, they don’t need to come,” he added.
Greaves said he reported the threats to authorities. The AP left a message Monday seeking comment from Detroit police.
The statue was to have been unveiled July 25 at Bert’s Market Place in Detroit’s Eastern Market district, but Bert Dearing said he gave the group back it’s $3,000 rental fee when he learned who booked the place. [Will he be sued? Is this like refusing to bake a homosexcake?]
“Detroit is a very religious area,” Dearing said. “When I rented the place, I just thought it was a church. I didn’t know about the unveiling of a statue. We weren’t aware they were into devil worshipping.”
The Satanic Temple Detroit chapter founder Jex Blackmore has said the group doesn’t worship Satan but does promote individuality, compassion and views that differ from Christian and conservative beliefs. [Ummm… read that again. Does that contrast “individuality. compassion” with Christian and conservative?]
The statue was designed and built at a cost of more than $100,000 and had been planned for the state Capitol in Oklahoma City until Oklahoma’s Supreme Court banned religious displays — including a monument of the Ten Commandments — on Capitol grounds.
Greaves said the statue will not remain in Detroit and that The Satanic Temple wants to erect it outside Arkansas’ Statehouse in Little Rock where a Ten Commandments monument also is planned. [So… this seems to be a plot also to eradicate the 10 commandments from public display… a goal of the Freedom From Religion types.]
Detroit was selected for the unveiling because The Satanic Temple in the city has a “strong congregation,” [?!?] Greaves said. “We just have a good community over there.”
Blackmore said Detroit has more than 200 registered members.
The group erected a display in December outside Michigan’s state Capitol in Lansing. The “Snaketivity Scene” featured a snake offering a book called “Revolt of the Angels” as a gift. The snake was wrapped around the Satanic cross on the 3-feet-by-3-feet display. Like other religious displays, it was taken down each night.
Bishop Charles Ellis III, pastor of the 6,000-member Greater Grace Temple in Detroit, said he is not concerned about a statue depicting Satan being unveiled in the city because America “was built on freedom of speech and freedom of religion.”
“If we ask others to be tolerant of our religion, we are going to be asked to be tolerant of their religion as well,” Ellis said.
“Tolerable does not mean you have to practice what they practice or that you are condoning what they are practicing. I’m not saying I’m being accepting. I’m just saying I have no control over that.”
I understand that there will be a Mass and Holy Hour of Reparation on 25 July at Mother of Divine Mercy Catholic Church in Detroit.
It’s was the Rosaries and Masses from Mother of Divine Mercy that got it moved in the first place.
Eastern Market is smack dab in the middle of the three churches that cluster to make that parish. They have been praying for a month then suddenly the venue said no. Praise be to Jesus Christ, Now and Forever.
If this keeps up, the statue will be well out of Detroit.
Prayers and more prayers.
Detroit needs lots and lots of prayers. Once again, a fraction of the people are trying to rule the majority. When are we going to wake up??
I wish I were surprised at this, but frankly, a rainbow-lit White House already signaled the worship of the devil in these USA. A giant statue in Detroit is reprehensible, but mere theater. SCOTUS is scarier.
The Mass of Reparation (Ordinary Form) is at 10am with Holy Hour and confessions following at St. Joseph church, 1828 Jay Street, Detroit 48207.
Prayers have been coming from around the Archdiocese/city from Catholics and non-Catholics alike.
A friend of mine actually put some miraculous medals in the originally planned venue as well.
FB event page:
Now that America has become a monarchy, with king Obama and his supreme court knights of the rainbow table, perhaps it’s time for an Alfred or a Louis IX to appear. The return of a Real King… to overturn the idols.
There is a statue of satan at my church; as is quite proper, he is under the foot of the peaceful and strong Saint Michael the Archangel.
What Elizabeth D says is true. One sees statues of satan all the time particularly strangled under the feet of the Blessed Mother as well in churches. In some localities anyway. Where I live the vast majority of religious statues were removed with tabernacles from the majority of churches during the seventies of enlightenment and rec room remodeling.
Sounds like a fundraiser no? I wonder where the big satanist money is going nowadays, which candidates etc. I guess we won’t see any exposé of that trail from our media establishment — because they are far to0 courageous to challenge certain religious dogmas I guess. Certainly funding a statue of some sort for $100,000 is but a drop in the bucket for 1% ca ching.
We weren’t aware they were into devil worshipping.”
Really? They call themselves “The Satanic Temple”. That didn’t raise a red flag?
The Central Connecticut State University “Blue Devils” from New Britain, CT are depicted in their logo as a feisty, “cute”, cartoonish devil. (New Britain has a very large Polish community and a very large Puerto Rican community – plenty of Catholics in attendance.) There is, however, a full-sized, naked devil statue in the middle of the cafeteria area of the student center. There is nothing cute about it – you can find it on Google images. It’d be great to have that one removed and a Mass of reparation offered, too.
Sounds like Arkansas needs a giant statue of St. Michael.
Funny how the devil worshippers pit themselves against those who identify as ‘Christian’ and ‘Conservative’ eh? He never seems to set his army against the justice and peace warriors who dont mind a bit of back door baby killing or gay marriage on the side.
Hidden One said:
“Sounds like Arkansas needs a giant statue of St. Michael.”
I agree. In fact I think a large statue of St. Michael driving Satan out of heaven should follow
this ugly statue wherever the members of this Satanic temple want to put it except in their own
evil temple.
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Perhaps the formerly catholic college that took down their Jesuit founder over 3 complaints, might want a copy of the satanic statue, I’m quite sure the diversity patrol will find little problem with that, along with the aclu