I’ve been slowly but surely working on learning Morse Code. It’s a bit of a slog. And when I listen to CW pileups, it’s pretty intimidating. But… FORWARD!
Speaking of Morse Code, I received this via email.
Meanwhile, I’ve been monitoring ZedNet today. I am connected at the moment via Echolink.
On ZedNet More HERE. To get yourself going, WB0YLE gave me a Bill of Materials. A list of what you need. HERE
I built a DMR hotspot with a Raspberry Pi and got it working with no problems. If necessary we can get you some tech help here for programming.
I’ve also put my toe into POTA.
Any hams out there with a Elecraft KX3 you would like to sell?
Fr. Z wrote, “And when I listen to CW pileups, it’s pretty intimidating. ”
Yes, indeed! And the speed keys they use don’t help the novice.
After years of listening, you will be able to identify some the the Hams by their signature key strokes.
You picked a great weekend to listen: it was the annual ARRL Field Day. Lots of folks operating from their home shacks class 1D. It’s usually a mess (I stay away from it as a rule) but listened in for a while.
It will come eventually. If you have a musical ear, it’s easier (I don’t and it was a struggle to get to 13 WPM needed for General back In The Day); IIRC you have a good local elmer who I’m sure would be more than happy to work with you on it…
73 de WB zero YLE
Oh, as as an adjunct to Zednet on BM TG 31429 xlink to Wires-X room 28598, it’s also now linked into the Allstar analog network on node 28868, and accessible via Echolink at WB0YLE-R. If you come in on Echo, wait about 10 minutes after firing up the program so you registration propagates down to the Allstar node that Echo is hosted on.
So, there are multiple paths in and out. Will be adding D* and P25 at some point. But for now, what about trying a test run of a managed net this coming Saturday at 0100 Zulu (9PM EDT)?
My father served in the Navy in World War II and he knew Morse Code. Samuel Morse was a Know Nothing and a virulent anti-Catholic but that doesn’t negate the value of Morse Code.
Funny video
I have also been trying to learn the code, using the G4FON Koch trainer which is a free downloadable program. You set the speed to want to learn at – I am working on 15 wpm. You start with 2 characters at that speed and once you get where you can copy accurately you add another character, rinse, repeat, until you have the full character set. Stuck at 4 currently as other distractions have kept me from it for a few days but plan to get back to it this week. 73 de KC1EFW.