UPDATE 4 July 2020:
It is 2:30 in the afternoon and I have finished reading the avalanche of emails you sent. Some of them were straight-forward descriptions of what changed at the parish. Some were that with also what you thought and felt about them. Some had deep introspection and some had predictions for the future. Some were quite sad. Others had strong notes of hope.
The whole thing has been instructive.
What have I learned from your feedback?
In large part, it has been a confirmation of what I have heard and suspected.
- People are not happy with their bishops and, in some cases, with their priests. A common word was “abandoned”.
- Some priests took this as an opportunity. Priests saying Mass privately or with few people said the TLM or the Novus Ordo in Latin and ad orientem, and many of them don’t want to go – or won’t go – back.
- Many were grateful for the SSPX chapels, because they did not shut down.
- Quite a few observed that they learned more about the TLM through live streams. There were varying degrees of “participation” in live streamed Masses, ranging from getting dressed up and ready to finding them awful as a substitute.
- A large majority of those who went beyond descriptions of the logistical changes at their churches wrote about how they will never take church and the sacraments for granted again. They realize that the system is more fragile than they thought.
- Not a few connection COVID and what happened in churches with the dreadful Pachamama idolatry last October.
I am very grateful for these notes.
Drop me a note with and put in the SUBJECT line (copy and paste works well):
Write to me HERE
FATHERS! I would like some feedback.
How has COVID-1984 and the lockdown changed how you have been saying Mass. In particular I am interested in those of you who have been affected by, perhaps, switching to TLM only or often and to ad orientem worship.
LAY PEOPLE! I welcome feedback from you as well.
Many of you have not had access to church. What have you learned or discerned from this? Have you been watching Masses streamed online? Have those streamed Masses been mostly what you followed in your average parish or have you started to view Traditional Latin Masses online?
Drop me a note with and put in the SUBJECT line
Write to me HERE
Imagine for a moment that you want feedback on a question.
And imagine that you don’t want to miss anything someone might send.
You get a lot of email and you don’t want things going into spam or going unnoticed. So, you ask that people put a specific phrase in the subject line of the email so that those emails will go into a handy folder.
Just for the sake of imagination, mind you.
Adventures in email!