Thanks from Fr. Z and upcoming Mass for Benefactors

I will say Mass for the intention of my benefactors – I keep track of you – on Saturday, 19 September at Noon CDT (Deo volente).

While I remember benefactors at every Mass, living and deceased at the respective Memento in the Roman Canon, I regularly say Mass for the intention of my benefactors.  It is my duty, honor and pleasure to do so.

Some of you subscribe to give a monthly donation via PayPal or Continue to Give.  Some of send occasional donations through those means or sometimes via snail mail to me P.O. Box (address on the sidebar – do a CTR_F for “Struck” to find it fast.   Others send items from my wish list.

It is all greatly appreciated. When something comes in, it’s a real moral boost.

There are some lean days, however, for the monthly subscription option.  Today is one of them.  It’s a little disheartening.

Also, could I – please – remind you to use my link to enter Amazon when shopping online?  Links for these USA and the UK are on the sidebar.

And see what happens when you type that address into your browser.  It’s sort of a “back door” to search.

I cannot see what you purchase, but I get a small percentage of each purchase.  This is a major issue for me.  So, thanks in advance.

I’m also singing for my supper by posting #ASonnetADay.

So, please consider subscribing to send a monthly donation. That way I have steady income I can plan on, and you wind up regularly on my list of benefactors for whom I pray and for whom I periodically say Holy Mass. I even added “Sonnet Lover” option.

Some options


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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