ROME 23/04 – Day 12: Stocking day

At 0633 – up. At 1950 – down. The Ave Maria is still in the 2000 slot.

The Roman Station is at S. Lorenzo fuori le mura. I was once deacon for the Station Mass there celebrated by my bishop and got to sing the Gospel from high atop the great ambo.

Yesterday involved moving things and starting the basic shopping and some repairs. Today will involve the same, along with some writing and a good walk later. It is unseasonably cool here, which I welcome.

Out with friends the other night.  Which drink is mine?

A few little starters.

I opted for orata.

Last night, however, I opted for caprese with a lovely tomato from my usual veg stand.

In the sacristy, everything is set up for a pontifical baptism.

Here is a bugia.  It is used at different times during Masses by priests when the celebrant is reading from the Missale.  Bishops get them pretty much all the time.

Along the way I thought to share a few photos from last Holy Week.   Not systematically.  Just for nice.


Black to move.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

Will you remember a few things?

First, do frequent the shop of the lovely Summit Dominicans.

Also, when you use Amazon, please use my link. You get your stuff, and I get a small cut of the sale. Thanks in advance. US HERE – UK HERE

Finally, consider sponsoring your priest so he can go to the conference for priests organized by the St. Paul Center.

It seems the whole men-finding-deviant-ways-to-compete-against-women farce has also invaded chess. In the Kenyan Open Championship, a guy wearing a niqab with only his glasses and eyes visible, pretended to be a woman in order to win a prize. Apparently he walked funny and wore shoes worn by men.

Today, Ding and Nepo face off again. Nepo is up 1.5 to .5. Ding’s game yesterday did not go well at all after a really strange 4th move, perhaps – surely, rather – suggested by his second, Richard Rapport, a somewhat erratic Hungarian who plays under the Romanian flag.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    Different divisions for men and women in chess seems somewhat strange to me. It’s not as though men possess more intellective power than women. ( I’m reminded of “A Man For All Seasons,” when Thomas More’s daughter accidentally steamrolls all over Henry VIII’s unimpressive Latin) Is there a reason for this other than historical happenstance?

    Also, the fellow in Kenya doesn’t sound very bright to begin with. Let him lose first and then reveal the imposture!

  2. Cavalier: I think it is a matter of a) more males got into chess at an early age for a long time and b) having a separate group for women gives them more chances to compete on an even playing field and improve.

    It seems to me that eventually things will balance out but that is a way away. I was heartened to watch the Pro Chess League when 13 year Alice Lee was creaming really strong, older male players.

    At the same time, I have often wondered if there have been studies about whether or not men and women play differently… once they are out of theory, that is.

  3. Kathleen10 says:

    Those are great photos. The drinks look the same, what am I missing.
    An observation about the wonderful photos from church. It is getting hard not to notice all the grinning going on in the mainstream church. I’m all for grins, but so much prefer the more serious comportment of the clerics in these photos. There is a time to grin like a chimp, and a time to get down to business and tend to the things of God. God bless these men for knowing the difference.

  4. PostCatholic says:

    It strikes me that the marbles chosen to decorate that church–the purple, yellow and greens especially–are very similar to St Matthew’s Cathedral in Washington DC. Probably not a coincidence. Does anyone know?

  5. Synonymous_Howard says:

    1 … Ne5 wins the rook for the knight

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