Something from one of the, sadly, funniest Catholic bloggers

Here’s something from one of the, sadly, funniest Catholic bloggers, Eccles.

I don’t know who you are, friend, but if you ever identify yourself to me in person, I will a) keep your identity secret and b) buy you a beer or whatever.

Libs… try to understand something here.  Read the first sentence (which comes after the title).  It’s satire, okay?

Mongolians shocked as Genghis Khan praises Pope Francis

A surprise message received from the afterlife, which has been attributed to the late Genghis Khan, has shocked faithful Mongolians because it praises Pope Francis.

“Now he’s really put his foot in it!”

“Some ‘rigid’ people have criticised the Holy Warlord for his policy of mass-murder and torture, but we never thought he would stoop so low as to praise a man who teaches heresy, gerrymanders synods, and persecutes people who want to follow traditional forms of worship,” says sumo-wrestler Mai Cluis, who runs the popular Where Genghis Is website.

His little friend Osten Iveree, author of the warlord biographies “Genghis Khan, the great Reformer”, “Wounded Wolfman” and “Let us massacre – the path to a better future”, agrees. “Genghis should stick to what he knows best, and not try to endorse controversial figures simply to curry favour with people.”

Finally, even Chams Mahteen, another compulsive writer, responsible for “Destroying a bridge with people on it”, “Learning to Prey” and “Come forth and slaughter the Khwarezmid Empire”, thinks Genghis Khan has gone too far. “He should keep out of Catholic politics and concentrate on LGBT issues,” he says.

Next week: “I think he’s a terrible pope, too,” admits Ivan.

Dear readers, you might not see eye to eye with Eccles, you might even think that Francis was right to praise Genghis Khan, but you’ve got to admit that this is pretty clever.

And for those of you in Columbia Heights, yes, that’s how people over there spell those words.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. redneckpride4ever says:

    The mention of the sumo wrestler makes me think: perhaps we need a Sumo use of the Ambrosian rite. Then we could appoint +McButterpants as head of this new ordinariate.

    The only question would be whether or not sake could be considered valid matter. Not that +Fatty is concerned about such trivialities.

  2. Mark William says:

    Eccles does Spike Milligan proud

  3. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    “another compulsive writer”

    This line deserves to be written in gold.


  5. Ariseyedead says:

    Maybe it’s just me, but that pic of the Ivan the Terrible bust looks surprisingly like a Bearded-Pope Francis. Coincidence? Or am I unduly influenced by your “Bearded-Spock Synod” remark from another post?

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