Daily Archives: 9 August 2024

The Tears of St. Lawrence 2024, the Perseid meteors. Wherein Fr. Z rants.

Perseid meteors started in mid-July but they will peak on the mornings of August 11, 12 and 13. Why Perseids? If you trace the meteors backwards, it looks like they are shooting out of the constellation Perseus. Otherwise, we call … Read More

Posted in Look! Up in the sky!, SESSIUNCULA | Tagged
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9 August: Today to observe St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein) or Vigil of St. Lawrence? A quandary with comments.

Since I am “on the road” I do not have all the accoutrement one might desire for vesting according to the liturgical calendar.  Of course white can substitute other colors in a pinch. Today in the Vetus Ordo being the … Read More

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000 |

Daily (not) Rome Shot 1093

In chessy news, Magnus Carlsen defeated Arjun Ergaisi and qualified for the Speed Chess Championship finals In Paris. He will play – online, not OTB – the unlikeable Hans Niemann in semis. I wonder if anyone will pay attention. (/irony) … Read More