4 Sept: St. Moses, Old Testament prophet and lawgiver, forerunner of Christ

Today is the feast of St. Moses, lawgiver and prophet in the Old Testament.

Many people do not realize that may Old Testament figures are considered by Holy Mother Church to be saints. Many of them are listed in editions of the Roman Martyrology, both pre-Conciliar and post.

Here is today’s entry for Moses.

1. Commemoratio sancti Moysis, prophetae, quem Deus elegit, ut populum in Aegypto oppressum liberaret et in terram promissionis adduceret; cui etiam in monte Sina sese revelavit dicens: “Ego sum qui sum”, atque legem proposuit, quae vitam populi electi regeret.  Ille servus Dei in monte Nebo terrae Moab coram terra promissionis plenus dierum obiit.

Anyone want to take a crack at What The Martyrology Really Says?

Also, a question/request to readers:

Have any of you ever seen a stained-glass window of Moses at the cleft in the rock in Exodus 33?

I would like a good photo.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Et Cetera says:

    “A remembrance of the holy Moses, a prophet, whom God chose so that he might free the people captive in Egypt and might lead them forth to the promised land; to whom, furthermore, he unveiled his own self on Mount Sinai, saying: ‘I am who I am,’ and before whom he laid out a law to govern the life of the chosen people. That servant of God perished, full of days, on Mount Nebo of the land of Moab in sight of the promised land.”
    I’ve never seen that stained-glass window but hope you get a good picture! I’d like to see it too.

  2. Slavishly literal translation
    The commemoration of Saint Moses, the prophet, whom God chose, that he would liberate the people oppressed in Egypt and lead them to the land of promise; to whom he also on Mount Sinai revealed himself saying: “I am who I am,” and he proposed the Law which would rule the life of the chosen people. That servant of God died on Mount Nebo in the land of Moab, full of days, before the land of promise.

    ICEL version pre 2011
    We are thinking about Moses today. He helped God liberate the Jews. God helped him lead the Jews to the land of his other peaceful people, the Palestinians. God said to Moses by saying “Hi! I’m Yahweh.” He gave Moses some suggestions, which Moses suggested to help the people help people. God was kind of mean though. He wouldn’t let Moses enter the land of his peace-loving people, the Palestinians.

  3. Not says:

    I know this may sound petty. I love Catholic art and icons. I have studied icons and how they have rules dealing with their content but do they ever portray a Saint with some girth or always emaciated?

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