There are somethings you can’t make up

This is not the Bee.  This is Il Messaggero:

The papal almoner, Konrad Card. Kraiewsky, appeared in a … I am not making this up … circus act.   This is not the Babylon Bee.  This is Il Messaggero.

Meanwhile, there is NO elephant in the room. That’s the secret… there IS NO ELEPHANT.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. BeatifyStickler says:

    Sounds about right. From carrying the cross when Benedict came out on the loggia the first time to the circus of Rome. I’m just going to say what all Canadian truck drivers would say; sounds pretty gay.

  2. B says:

    Now I know where the clown Masses came from

  3. Eugene says:

    I mean it makes perfect sense Cardinals wear red and must be ready at any moment to die for the faith even in a circus performance right?
    God help us

  4. redneckpride4ever says:

    There’s nothing inherently wrong with being in a circus act.


    Stop and think about the statuses of Holy Family in Inverness, IL (guitar blessing man) and the ICKSP. Now think of all the places things are like that.

    It becomes impossible not to view this participation as a Freudian slip when circuses are allowed at parishes holding perfect canonical standing and crackdowns happen at orthodox ones.

  5. TheCavalierHatherly says:


    “There’s nothing inherently wrong with being in a circus act.”

    For a circus performer, sure. For a Prince of the Church it’s obscene. St. Thomas talks about how we ought to act in accordance with the dignity of our station in life: it’s not just about the inherent nature of our acts, but our acts in relation to our state in life. This is why it’s silly when old men act like teenage boys, when old women dress like young girls, etc.

    This particular incident reminds me of Nero hitting the stage in Greece. It didn’t matter if he was the Emperor, the supreme commander of the civilized world. He was born to be a star, baby!

  6. jflare29 says:

    Weeeeeellll, …with all the clowning around in the Vatican, ..maybe he decided to get in the act in a more immediately serious manner….?

  7. michele421 says:

    redneckpride4ever, I’m genuinely wondering what is this statue at Holy Family? I’ve looked at their site, but the only thing I can see that might possibly be called a statue is the crucifix. While it’s certainly unusual, I see no guitar reference. What are you referring to?

  8. JustaSinner says:

    Seems like the Vatican has been evolving into a clown show as of late, so no big stretch for the Cardinal.

  9. jflare29 says:

    I suspect redneckpride4ever referenced an occasion last year. We saw a video wherein a priest handled a guitar…the way he would handle a monstrance in which the Eucharist would be exposed, like for the rite of Benediction. Bad enough to handle a guitar that way at all. Worse, he held the guitar upside down.

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