We were, frankly, quite desperate for rain out here at The Sabine Farm. The crops were dying and trees stressing, etc. I began adding the prayers petitioning rain at every Mass. Rain has come. Oh my has the rain come! All night it was steady and abundant. Even now as I write the rain is slow and steady, a blessed soaking relief.
Today I added for Holy Mass (with the 1962 Missale Romanum) prayers for thanksgiving for the blessing of the rain we received.
Deus, cuius misericordiae non est numerus,
et bonitatis infinitus est thesaurus:
piissimae maiestati tuae pro collatis donis gratias agimus,
tuam semper clementiam exorantes;
ut, qui petentibus postulata concedis,
eosdem non deserens,
ad praemia futura disponas.
O God, of whose mercy there is no reckoning,
and whose treasury of goodness is infinite:
always imploring your clemency
we give thanks to Your most gracious Majesty for the gifts that have been conferred,
so that, You who grant the things petitionied to those seeking them,
even as you never abandon them,
may ready them for the rewards to come.
This prayer is often prayed when the Te Deum is sung. You will hear in it an echo of Wisdom 7:14: For she [Wisdom] is an infinite treasure to men: which they that use, become the friends of God, being commended for the gifts of discipline. … Infinitus enim thesaurus est hominibus quod qui usi sunt participes facti sunt amicitiae Dei propter disciplinae dona commendati.
The dew of the Spirit.