Sermon in Camden for the Assumption

I have compressed the mp3 file for the sermon for the High Mass in the Cathedral of Camden for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The file was originally pretty high quality and therefore huge, but I compressed it a bit. It is still about 15MB.

For those of you who care to hear the entire sermon, here it is.
For those of you who care to hear the very end of the Hail Holy Queen at the end Mass, here it is.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Jon says:

    Thanks for that, Father. A fine souvenir!

  2. Argent says:

    Thank you, Father.

  3. Catholic Lady says:

    Thanks for both.

    I have listened to Hail Holy Queen Four Times – and it still is not enough – WOW WOW WOW WOW

  4. Florestan says:

    A somewhat nerdy question – what recording equipment was used?

  5. Tim Ferguson says:

    I’m so glad God permitted the invention of kettle drums and allows their liturgical use! What an inspiring bit of music. Excellent sermon as well, Fr. John!

  6. Jon says:

    Catholic Lady,

    If you think that’s something, you should have heard the other four verses!

  7. I have an IRiver mp3 player that records and to which I can join an external mike. It was set up on the pulpit whence I delivered the sermon and I just left it on. The mike picked up the ambient sound fairly well.

  8. Jon says:

    BTW, you all might enjoy knowing that sharp CLAP! you hear at the beginning of the recessional recording was the signal for the celebrant, deacon, subdeacon, priests in choir, thurifer, torch bearers, acolytes, and little girls of the Blessed Imelda Society to genuflect as one, turn from facing the altar, where they’d been singing to Our Lady, and process down the nave.

    Can we do this again on Sunday?

  9. Ekkehard VI says:

    For those who may be interested, I’ve posted some things
    about this Mass at, including
    a link to this blog.

    Thanks again, Father.

  10. Cathy_of_Alex says:

    I don’t know, Father, you used a lot of “big words” in 3 languages (4
    if I count your Italian pronunciation of: MAg-Neee-fee-kat!) and
    advanced theological concepts in that Homily. Remember, U.S. Catholics
    are dopes. I amazed you did not find a way to throw that really difficult
    word: “consubstantial”, or the even more impossible: “dew” into the mix.

    I’m shocked no one walked out. The congragation actually TRIED to follow it?

    I’m just being a snark. Good stuff, Father.

  11. Henry Edwards says:


    In your Musica Sacra post you mention that “Harold Boatrite’s gorgeous Ave Maria … can be heard at Mater Ecclesiae’s website”. I have not been able to find it there; perhaps it has not yet been posted.

    More generally, do you know whether more of the music for this Mass was recorded, and will be made available? This would seem a sure-fire way to raise funds to finance next year’s reiteration for the event. (I’d be willing to pay cash money just for the whole Hail Holy Queen.

  12. Argent says:


    It’s played when you enter the site. Try this link: Mater Ecclesiae. I’ve reloaded that page quite a few times in the past day.

  13. Ekkehard VI says:

    Henry Edwards,

    I don’t believe this Mass was professionally recorded,

    But this is my parish, and I’ll check to see if by some
    miracle it has indeed been recorded and get back to you.
    They might, might, might have videos from a few years back
    when they were still doing video recording. The Hail,
    Holy Queen would probably have been sung in those years, too.

  14. Catholic Lady says:

    Comment to Cathy of Alex –

    I had no trouble following it or understanding it. But I wanted to have a hard copy to read as well and so I transcribed it and admit I could not spell a few greek and latin references. It was hard going back and forth from the MP3 recording to Word but I did get it done and it came out about 3 1/2 pages.

    Believe me transcribing a homily does qualify for full, conscious participation and active receptivity. You listen to a sentence. You type it. You ponder it’s meaning.

  15. Hmmm… that sounds like a lot of work. I will be putting it into shape for publication soon. Some parentheticals are in the sermon that aren’t in the text, however.

  16. Laura says:

    I only get an empty screen up when I click on the link, although I’ve been able to play MP3 files before. Anyone have an idea why I’m having trouble with this?

  17. catholiclady says:

    Fr. Z,

    I’ll e mail you what I transcribed and then you can tell me if what I heard was what you said. I thought the way you linked the participation to the Magnificat was brilliant.

  18. catholiclady says:

    Laura – be patient. It takes a while before the blank screen loads the homily. It is a big file.

  19. Henry Edwards says:

    Thanks, Ekkehard, I’d be interested in knowing of either video or audio recordings.

  20. Cathy_of_Alex says:

    Catholic Lady: I’m sending you a deep curtsy.

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