There have been constant interuptions of internet service today. Sometimes when a head of state comes to Rome, … let’s just say that the free exchange of information here is somewhat… hampered. Today the President of South Korea was in town. You can’t imagine how tough it is to move around when someone like the President of the United States comes.
A friend and I took a walk in the afternoon and saw the entourage of many vehicles and security with earpieces) around the Colosseum. I knew something was up when I saw that the motorcade merited its own ambulance.
So, not much could be posted today.
Sorry for the difficulties, Father.
However, I’m dying of curiousity to know what you think of the new appointments in the canon office. Good, bad, indifferent?
And also, we wish Cardinal Martini a felicitous retirement. May he be happy in green pastures. ;) I’m certainly happy.