I have been receiving various missives from the author of the "Tridentine" Battle Hymn I posted about in another entry. Each of these missives has been offering revisions of the Hymn. Each of them has been promising that they were the final, the finished, the last revision. The author has made use of many of your comments on the previous version. (Don’t let it go to your head.)
His scriptis, I present the final, the finished, the last revision I will have to post (UPDATED again on 5 February). Enjoy!
I will ask you participants to post your translations. Then we will have a little poll about which is the best.
Hymnus proelii pro Missa Tridentina
Surrectura ex ruina
versus tabernaculum
spiret Missa Tridentina
ad firmandum populum.Lupos ovium in pelle
vincimus Rosario.Mediatrix, Co-Redemptrix,
virgo Dei Genitrix,
mater, iuva nos,
mater, iuva nos!2.
Sancte Pater, pastor Sancti,
Sacrum duc Imperium;
gregi da desideranti
sacrum ritum traditum!Vaticanos canes cave
adulantes ambitu!Navis clave, clavis, fave;
Sancta, Sancto Spiritu
eum firma Tu,
eum firma Tu!3.
Re divina celebrata
ori nostro sacerdos
Corpus ex Immaculata
det, cum Eo iungens nos!Teneamus pie manus!
Ipsum tangi non est mos!Mater, infirmorum salus,
sacra Ei nostrum os
atque totos nos,
atque totos nos!
Okay…. start preparing those translations!
Note that the following translation is partly copied from Father Zuhlsdorf’s translation of the first version:
Translation of the Battle hymn for the Tridentine mass
Willing to resurge on the basis of the collapse,
towards the tabernacle,
let the Tridentine mass breathe
to strengthen the people.
Concerning the wolves in sheep’s clothing,
we are defeating them with the rosary.
Mediatrix, Coredemptrix,
virgin giving God’s birth,
mother, help us,
mother, help us!
Holy Father, shepherd of the Holy One,
Lead the Sacred Empire!
Give to the flock desiring it
the sacred traditional rite!
Beware the Vaticanian dogs
waggling to you due to acquisition by false pretences.
Oh ship’s rudder, oh key, be in favor! (These are pictures for Mary!)
Oh Holy One (Mary), with the Holy Spirit
strengthen him,
strengthen him!
Once the act of sacrifice has been celebrated,
let the priest give our mouth
the Body from the Immaculate One,
marrying us to Him!
Let us piously hold back hands!
Touching Him is not the costom!
Oh mother, infirms’ salvation,
consecrate Him our mouth
and ourselves entirely,
and ourselves entirely!
Dear Father Zuhlsdorf,
your publicity for my hymn text is grandious and phenomenal, and I greatly appreciate your many efforts. Please excuse that I have mailed you not only two „final versions“ but also many thoughts that stressed your time.
The author of the hymn text
The Battle Hymn of the Tridentine Mass
Soon to resurge from near oblivion
soon to rise before God’s Sacred Home,
May the Mass of Trent to us give hope
to keep our courage high.
With Rosary in hand we crush the wolves
that smother the sheep with fear.
O Virgin Mary, Mother of God,
Our Advocate and Co-Redeemer too,
Graciously help us now, help us now, we pray!
O Holy Father, Shepherd of the Holy One,
use the power our God gives you.
To your flock that longs from need,
grant the Rite of Tradition of old.
Guard against those hovering hounds
in the Vatican all ‘round.
O Holy Barque, O Sacred Key,
by Holy Spirit strengthen him,
O Holy Barque, O Sacred Key,
grant him strength, O God!
May the priest at Mass give Christ’s Body, born of the Virgin,
Thus uniting us to Him.
Let us fold our hands in loving prayer,
for touching Him we do not dare.
Help of the sick, Our Mother, consecrate to Him
our mouths and all our being,
our mouths and all our being!
Not poetical, but an attempt to be more literal
About to rise from the ruins
toward the tabernacle
Let the Tridentine Mass breath
to strengthen the people
By the rosary we conquer
the wolves in sheep’s clothing
Mediatrix, Coredemptrix
Virgin Mother of God
Mother, aid us
Mother, aid us!
Holy Father, Sheperd of the Holy
Lead the Holy Imperium
Give to thy desiring flock
The holy rite passed down
Beware the Vatican dogs
fawning in ostentation
Favor by the helm of the ship, the key
O Holy One, by the Holy Spirit
Thou confirm it
Thou confirm it
The Divine Affair being celebrated
Let the priest bestow to our mouth
The Body from the Immaculate
Joining us with Him
Let us hold our hands piously
It is not custom for Him to be touched (Ipsum should be Ipse since tangi is passive)
Mother, health of the infirm
Consecrate our mouth to Him
and us entire
and us entire
Dear friends, the Latin is correct!
“Ipsum tangi non est mos” is an ACI (accusative cum infinitive) construction. You can find in a lexicon that „mos est“ is used both with „ut“ and with ACI. „Ipsum“ is the accusative and „tangi“ is the infinitive.
It is indeed infinitive passive, so it means: „It is not the custom that Jesus be touched“.
„Ipsum tangere non est mos“ would mean that it is not the custom that Jesus touches anyone.
Imagine the word „video“ (I see) instead of „mos est“, than it is easier to understand.
A similar construction with „mos est“ can be found in
„eas, quae semini serventur, ante hiemem praecidi non est mos“.
„praecidi“ is infinitive passive and „eas“ is the accusative (plural femininum).
I have been assuming that the hymn was to be sung to the tune of “Battle Hymn of the Republic”. If so, I can make it fit the tune part of the way, but not the part that should correspond to “His truth is marching on!” and the “Glory, Hallelujah!” part.
Was my assumption correct, and if so, can someone explain how the words fit the tune?
I do not know the tune of “Battle Hymn of the Republicâ€Â, but I have written the text for the old GDR national anthem as it is no longer in use since GDR has been united with West Germany. So, this nice melody should be used for a Catholic song.
The tune is available on http://ingeb.org/Lieder/aufersta.html; the second melody sounds very fine.
In my first comment it was my intention to give a wordly translation. In this spirit I have to correct the translation of the verse “Ipsum tangi non est mos”. Somebody already mentioned that “tangi” is passiv. So the translation of this verse should be:
“That He be touched is not the custom.” or, when refering to the corpus:
“That It be touched is not the custom.”
However, the native English speakers will have better translations.
to find the tune (“Melodie”), the semicolon behind the web address must be omitted. Click here:
Thank you Darajavahus! You’re very helpful.
“Dear friends, the Latin is correct!
“Ipsum tangi non est mos†is an ACI (accusative cum infinitive) construction. You can find in a lexicon that „mos est“ is used both with „ut“ and with ACI. „Ipsum“ is the accusative and „tangi“ is the infinitive.”- Darajavahus
I realised that shortly after I posted, thanks for the correction