Thanks for your huge full, conscious and active participation here and your support.
I have gotten lots of e-mail for years, but it is rapidly getting to the point where I can’t read it, much less answer.
Many of you are sending hot tips and links, interesting documents and observations. I am grateful. They are useful!
Others are asking for information, sometimes detailed answers and explanations. I am swamped. Don’t hold your breath.
If you write, for whatever reason, and I don’t answer, don’t be alarmed or offended. I am seeing nearly everything that comes in, mirabile dictu!
TIPS for Writing E-Mail to Fr. Z:
1) Be sure to type out a sound and relevant subject in the e-mail subject line. If you send something without a subject at all, or one so generic (My favorite: "a question") that I or my filters (set on super-hyper-I hate spam-paranoid level) can’t see instantly that you are not a perv, bot or schmendrick, your e-mail will be deleted unread and I will not feel a shred of remorse. When I hit DELETE, I smile.
2) If you write it to me, it is MINE! I can do anything I want with it, including – ignore it. Remember, writing an e-mail is an invitation I may decline, not an obligation I must shoulder. I will generally accept e-mail in the spirit it is sent.
3) Keep it really really short. And don’t be surprised if I write really really short responses, if I write at all.