Bp. Burbidge of Raleigh’s sermon for 14 September

You will remember that His Excellency Most Reverend Michael Fr. Burbidge of Raleigh, NC, has issued a very good statement about the Motu Proprio and went to preach at a solemn celebration according to the older form of Mass.

Here is His Excellency’s sermon at that Mass.


My emphases and comments.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross – Implementation of Summorum Pontificum
Sacred Heart Parish, Dunn
September 14, 2007

Whenever we gather for the celebration of Mass, we are powerfully reminded of the unity that is ours. We are privileged to offer praise and worship to God, Undivided Unity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We celebrate the Eucharist, the Source of Unity, the one bread that unites as one body, brothers and sisters in Christ. We gather as the holy people of God united to the bishop and his priests[I appreciate that he mentions priests here.]

It is a special joy to come together on this effective date of Summorum Pontificum. This Apostolic Letter reflects the Holy Father’s desire to shepherd the Church on a path of greater unity and continuity. In issuing this Letter, Pope Benedict emphasized his pastoral concern that the extraordinary and ordinary forms of the celebration of Mass are never to be seen as two separate Rites, but rather forms of celebration within the one Roman Rite. This grace-filled moment in the life of the Church must serve to strengthen us in the one call we share: the call to greater holiness.

As Bishop, I will do everything possible to implement the Motu Proprio. [Hurray!] To do so I will need the assistance of our priests. I am grateful to Father Paul Parkerson and others, who will make available the celebration of the forma extraordinaria at locations throughout the diocese.

My brothers and sisters, our diocese must be known for its unity. It is my hope and prayer that we grow together in (1) recognizing, appreciating and celebrating our holy Catholic faith in all its beauty and richness; (2) deepening our love for and devotion to the Most Blessed Sacrament; (3) experiencing a renewed reverence and respect for the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy; and (4) increasing our love for one another. Such a way of living reflects the Holy Father’s vision that our one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church will continue on a path of reform and renewal.

On this Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, our unity is pronounced. All of us, without exception, share in the sufferings of Jesus Christ. We all know what it means to carry the cross of Christ: the cross of physical or emotional suffering (either our own or that of someone we love); the cross of grieving the death of someone dear to us; the cross of being betrayed or rejected by someone we love; the cross of family burdens, professional difficulties or personal problems; the cross of addiction or of a particular sin that has a firm hold on us — and the list continues.

Yet, we do not despair. We are not alone. The Letter to the Philippians speaks of the depth of Christ’s sacrifice: His emptying of Himself, His taking on the powerlessness of a slave, becoming obedient unto death, even death on the cross. There is nothing we experience in our lives, except sin, that Jesus did not experience: false judgment, persecution, betrayal, physical and emotional punishment and suffering. Yet, through it all, He submitted to the will of the Father and trusted completely in His abiding presence. Thus, His suffering did not end in defeat. God greatly exalted Him and the Son of Man was lifted up. He proved victorious, and His victory is ours. No wonder we sing, “Lift High the Cross.”

As we gather on this solemn occasion, we give thanks to God for His countless blessings upon the Church, our diocese and each one of us. We thank Him for the gift of our Holy Father and his faithful shepherding of his flock. We thank God for the gift of our holy Catholic faith and Sacred Liturgy. We also pray at this Mass for the grace we need to reflect always the unity that is ours, and to embrace our sufferings with deep faith in God’s mercy, and in the sure and certain hope that by dying He destroyed our death and by rising He restored our life. This is why we celebrate the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This is why we proclaim, “We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You, because by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world.”

Wonderful sermon for a wonderful occasion. 

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Alli says:

    His Excellency mentioned to me on that following Sunday that there is a possibility that, in addition to expanding the provisions of the Summorum Pontificum throughout the diocese, there may be a Latin Mass offered at the cathedral in Raleigh.

    I am so happy to have him as a bishop, and only wish that my own bishop, H.E. Bishop Jugis of Charlotte, would say anything at all on the matter.

  2. danphunter1 says:

    Did His Excellency mention that the Tridentine Mass at the Cathedral would be permanent?
    Why do think Bishop Jugis has not realeased any statement,yet?
    I have just spoken with the pastor of St Benedicts church in Greensboro. He informed me that he would like to offer the Tridentine Mass at his church,once he learns it, but he also said that even though he does not need the Bishops permission, he is waiting for Bishop Jugis to make a statement before he moves forward.
    God bless you.

  3. Jeremy says:

    The Mass at which Bishop Burbidge preached was not celebrated at his cathedral, but in Dunn, NC.

  4. danphunter1 says:

    Thank you, we realize that.
    I assisted at the Tridentine Mass, Sacred Heart church Dunn NC, on the Feast Of the
    Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
    I was referring to Alli’s comment on the Bishops statement that mass would be offered at the Cathedral, and will it be permanent.
    God bless you.

  5. Alli says:


    He did not mention anything permanent – in fact, the TLM he mentioned is not even a sure thing. He DID sound hopeful, however, and joyful that 6 priests have already told him they will be holding TLMs around the diocese shortly. My hope is that he will make it a regular thing – or at least once a month to start out with.

    I wish I knew why Bishop Jugis has not released a statement yet, as there was word he would on the 14th. My best guess is that he is true to form in being called a bit of a neo-conservative – that is, he is liturgically conservative until he bumps into the TLM, and for some reason (supposedly in the name of diocesan unity, which is no reason at all, seeing as so many Masses in Charlotte are celebrated in Spanish) recoils from it.

  6. Joe says:

    God Bless Bp. Burbidge. Now all we need is a USCCB filled with men like him and B. Finn and Bp. Burke.


  7. Deborah says:

    Wonderful! This bishop speaks the language of our Catholic faith. The sheep know the voice of their shepherd, and this bishop’s voice is that of our shepherd. Deo Gratias.

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