UPDATE: (SUN 21 Sept: 7:34 London Time)
DAY: Tuesday, 23 September
TIME: Evening – 6-8 pm
PLACE: Buckingham Arms (see below)
WHAT: Hang out, chat, buy your own refreshments, unless you have other plans
WHO: Everyone, and we especially hope blog owners will come.
- 020 7222 3386
- 62 Petty France (map) (gmap) (multimap)
- SW1H 9EU
- [Young’s]
- 11am-11pm Mon-Sat; noon-11pm Sun
I spoke with His Hermeneuticalness Fr. Finigan and he is coming.
Is it time to start thinking about a London blognic?
Here is what is up with me.
I must go to Rome for a few days next week, from late Monday evening until 20 September, when I return to London. If we could organize something during those next few days after, that would be great.
I am especially interested that this be for other other bloggers too!
Everyone is welcome, of course, not just blog owners.
His Hermeneuticalness Fr. Finigan must be involved, and Mulier Fortis, and a host of others, including Fr. Schofield of Roman Miscellany, any others around the London area. It would be nice to meet Damian Thompson and, without question, the persistent and wonderful Anna Arco, whom I recall from Oxford.
Is there someone out there willing to make some suggestions for a place and time to meet? I was at the Bunch of Grapes near the Oratory the other night, but surely there may be better places, located along the Underground lines, so people can get around easily.
I suppose Saturday afternoon/evening might be possible. Sunday may have some advantages, since people don’t work.
The last couple/few days of my time in the UK I think I would like to take south, perhaps to Fareham, or Brighton if Fr Blake is around, or even Lewes.
Too many wonderful people in interesting places. I would like to see you all.
But let’s at least think about the Rome blognic.
We could have some discussion here, below, perhaps?
Has anyone else suggested “The Cardinal” ? on Francis Street just behind the cathedral?
Heheheheh… the Cardinal has a reputation as being the favourite haunt of the liberals in Westminster! There’s the Haha Bar and Grill in the complex just opposite the Cathedral Piazza… the music downstairs is enough to drive most people to distraction, but the area upstairs is great, and there is even table service!
Not the Cardinal, please. What about the Buckingham Arms on Petit France on Wednesday 24 September
I am thinking about the evening – perhaps 6.30pm so that people working in London can come….
Yes, Wednesday, weekends tend to be hard for us hardworking clergy. Brighton is always delighted to host Fr Z.
That’s “Petty France”, Fr Finigan. No fancy French talk, please.
It’s not far from the St James’s Park tube station, postcode is SW1H 9EU.
This is a wonderful idea! I am, alas, unable to hear Mass at Clapham Park tomorrow as I am giving a concert in the afternoon and need to rehearse (Mass in the evening for me), so was already lamenting not being able to say hello to Fr Z…
Anywhere where the beer isn’t embarrassing will be appropriate for such an eminent guest! Would Fr enjoy The Red Lion in Crown Passage, SW1?
How about coming up to Leicester….although I personally would not be able to offer a conversation about ANYTHING that generally comes up on ya blog, (I’m a tad slow, takes me a few months to digest)….BUT we have a big new shopping centre called Highcross which is well good (if you like over-priced cutlery and chavey cloths :S, yeh me neither)
BUT we have a well good cafe called ‘shake it baby’ and they make anything you want into a milkshake….amazing i tell you, Ferraro Roche milkshake stylee = Amazing, no jokes
For a small group, the B. of G. would be fine, but not big enough for a large group. Think within easy distance of the Oratory would be best. Why not gather inside it, in front of the Blessed Sacrament before going off to wherever you choose. Or Same at Cathedral if going to Petty France. But I agree, avoid the Cardinal.
(In process of setting up own blog at the moment, ‘Thoughts from the Desert of French Catholicism’ – subtitle will be more positive!)Paris and Lourdes sure ain’t a desert at the moment! Been glued to Kto simce Friday morning. Lourdes last night absolutely splendid!
ALL: This is not only for blog owners! Anyone who wants to come should come.
Is there a consensus building around Wednesday evening at the Buckingham Arms?
Perhaps if there is enough interest we should have a larger place in mind?
Dear Fr John,
I’m in France on a research trip 21-26 Sep but I hope to catch you at Fareham if you come down that way.
Shame. I would have enjoyed meeting other bloggernauts!
Brian S.
For a larger gathering perhaps you need to find a pub with a function room . Don’t know whether the Buck. has one. The Albert in Victoria street on the opposite corner of the road from the Army and Navy Store)used to have one. It used to be pretty poor for beer but now has guest beers. Suggest someone fairly on the spot does a rekky. (St James underground station & once through the barrier turn left for Petty France and right for Victoria St. Sometimes the back entrance to the station is open certainly till the rush hour’s over on a weekday. For this turn left when you get off the train and go uptairs. Once in street turn left , cross the road and cut through a narrow shopping precint to Victoria St.)
The Tablet staff used to drink in the Albert, but not much danger since they moved offices to Hammersmith W6 !
Good luck with the plan. Thanks for making it open to all here and in UKAre you going to post it on other UK tradblogs? You may end up with a rally rather than a meeting!
Sorry instruction for the back exit should be reversed if you’re alighting from a Westminster direction. My earlier instructions based on coming from South Ken. direction.
I’m surprised no one suggested The Black Friar Pub.
Somewhere that serves Bishop’s Finger ?
Even South Ashford might be able to make it!
The Black Friar’s a lovely pub, in every way – but it does tend to be rather too crowded, and probably isn’t big enough.
The Albert’s…a bit mediocre, IMHO…
Please could it be weekend? There are some of us bloggers who are working and live up in the midlands, and have to make the treck to London for a day.
Keep me posted – would love to come, though my diary is alarmingly full for the next few weeks.
It’s a pity Ye Olde Chesire Cheese on Fleet Street is too small – despite attracting lots of tourists, it is C17 and does have wonderful connections with Dr Johnson, G. K. Chesterton et al.
I haven’t been in London since 1999, but I used to enjoy “The Old Mitre” in the little passageway out of Ely Place, hard by St. Etheldreda’s. “The Bunch of Grapes,” though, was one of my favorites.
Went to Mass at the Oratory earlier (with a non-Catholic friend – please pray for him as he considers conversion), and went to the Bunch of Grapes afterwards and drank the Duchy beer that Fr enjoyed! It was excellent!
What about TUESDAY night rather than Wednesday?
I have to say that Tuesday would be easier for me… (on account of Wednesday being my school’s Open Evening, attendance at which is mandatory, unless one can supply one’s own death certificate, in triplicate, and a month in advance…)
…though obviously, you can’t rearrange things just for me…
There are wonderful pubs dotted all over London, but I suppose the Buck Arms has the great advantage of being central and also near Victoria Station. Also, the house beer is Young’s, which isn’t at all bad.
Tuesday, 23rd September at 6.30 pm in the Buckingham Arms, 62 Petty France SW1. Sounds great – it’s pencilled in and I’m looking forward to being there.
Tuesday would be much better for me, though will have to pop off pronto to a school concert.
There is now some preference being expressed for Tuesday. Frankly, I would prefer it as well.
I am hoping to hear back from His Hermeneuticalness, who must check his diary for Tuesday evening.
Let’s now try to get a real sense of who would be coming.
Fr. Boyle: I hope you can come!
Father, I will not be able to make it on the 24th but would like to attend one of your Masses. Are you celebrating Mass at St Bede’s at the weekend (before or after the 24th).
Is this gathering ecumenically open too…?!
Hope this comes through
announcement of blognic provokes heavenly reaction:
Yes Fr. J(effrey) S.
I know you have similar interests with
Fr. Z and the blognics.
I would love to be there,but family committments prevent…
Hope you all have a wonderful evening
And, maybe look forward to hearing about the blognic sometime?
The ONE time I go abroad, and to visit the Seminary of all places, you deign to visit my shores! ;-)
Hope you have a good visit. You’ll just have to do this all again sometime!
Best wishes,
I’ll be happy to join you on Tuesday at 5.00pm, I have another engagement in the evening across town.
5pm is better for me, ie I get to be there for longer!
Fr Ray can fill me in on the exciting exploits of his Choir, since I met them.
Fr. Blake: Perhaps we could meet after the blognic, 8-ish, for supper? You, His Hermeneuticalness and I?
Fr Z, I would love to but I have another engagement later that evening, phone me.
Fr Blake: I can meet you the next day, Wednesday, if better. It would be a pleasure to see you again. I think I only have your Brighton phone number. Send you mobile. I think you have mine. 078765….
I will be in town for the HFE Bill Conference ~ http://www.ccfon.org/docs/HFEconference_flyer_Sep_2008.pdf. Hope to join you afterwards.
Terribly sorry, but I’m busy on Tuesday night. I hope that everyone has a merry time.
How long are you in London for, Fr Z?
The Roman Miscellenist
Regret cannot make Tuesday. (Wednesday would have been super. At present am free Wednesday pm.) Happy blognic!
Fr. N: I will miss your cheery presence. My last full day is Friday, 26 Sept.
Fr. Boyle: Perhaps an auxilliary blognic can be arranged for clerics who couldn’t make it.
Not enough notice was given. Will you be doing it again?