We continue our Advent journey through the prayers for Holy Mass.
Today’s Super oblata is the same as that used on Mondays and Thursdays throughout.
Suscipe, quaesumus, Domine, munera
quae de tuis offerimus collata beneficiis,
et, quod nostrae devotioni concedis effici temporali,
tuae nobis fiat praemium redemptionis aeternae.
This prayer is in the ancient Veronese Sacramentary amongst prayers for the month of July though that version shows a variation in devotionis … temporalis. Also, and this is interesting, it ends with
_ _ _ __
P F E SP (with lines over the letters), ….
You can find our examination and the answer to the puzzle of "P F E SP" here.
The ADVENT WDTPRS page is here.