D. Scranton: Bp. Martino challenges the “Diversity Institute” at a Catholic Univ.

Scranton’s Bishop, His Excellency Most Reverend Joseph Martino keeps firing on all cylinders.   This is in from CNA with my emphases and comments.

Bishop asks university to consider closing Diversity Institute

Scranton, Pa., Feb 26, 2009 / 03:06 am (CNA).- Following controversy over the Diversity Institute at Misericordia University’s hosting of a homosexual activist, Bishop of Scranton Joseph F. Martino has asked the university to seriously consider discontinuing the institute and to explain its efforts to teach Catholic sexual morality.

Bishop Martino had warned before Keith Boykin’s appearance that he had “absolute disapproval” for the institute’s invitation to have him speak at its annual dinner and as part of Black History Month. The bishop charged that the university was “seriously failing” to maintain its Catholic identity in the case.

On Tuesday the university issued a statement saying Misericordia University “has been committed deeply to its Catholic mission and the teachings of the Catholic Church for 85 years.”

“Misericordia University welcomes the opportunity to discuss these matters with the Bishop and his delegates at their convenience,” the statement continued, saying the university will not make any further public comments.

In a statement of its own, the Diocese of Scranton asked the school to inform its alumni and all the Catholics of the diocese about its efforts to teach Catholic morality regarding sexuality and homosexuality.

“In doing this, the Bishop believes the school should speak precisely, naming courses, content and even catalog numbers,” the diocese said.

The diocese reported that Boykin in at least one of his talks discussed advocacy for issues such as same-sex marriage and addressed the intersection of religion and sexuality.

The Catholic Church’s teaching on homosexuality was not presented at the event,” the diocese said.  [You mean "the Diversity Institute" wasn’t diverse enough to include the Catholic Church’s teaching… good… good…]

According to the diocese’s statement, Bishop Martino has said that students attending a Catholic institution should have “a clear understanding” that homosexual activity is “not condoned” by the Church and “should never be construed as acceptable behavior,” though all persons should be treated with dignity.

“Bishop Martino is also asking Misericordia to seriously consider discontinuing its Diversity Institute, which co-sponsored Mr. Boykin’s appearance,” the Diocese of Scranton said, adding that Boykin had previously served for a week as a visiting scholar with the Institute.

The bishop believes that students should learn respect for all races and cultures, but holds that viewpoints that are in “direct opposition to Catholic teaching” should not be presented under “the guise of ‘diversity’.”  [Well said!]

“Doing so within a formal structure sanctioned by the institution gives the impression that these viewpoints are acceptable, or that all morality is relative,” the diocese’s statement concluded.


Again, well done Bp. Martino!

Hmmmm…. we seem to be saying that fairly often these days.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Hello Father!

    This is old news from two days ago. The actual news release from the Diocese which I have posted at my site actually carried “Bishop Asks Misericordia To Specify How Sexuality Is Taught” as its subject. The local media chose the next to last paragraph of the release which stated “Bishop Martino is also asking Misericordia to seriously consider discontinuing its Diversity Institute, which co-sponsored Mr. Boykin’s appearance.” as their point of interest.


  2. RANCHER says:

    And, as in other cases, we need to pray for the Bp as he will undoubtedly take a lot of heat from both the secular media and CINO’s who believe in the diversity cr– er, make that junk. The more Bishops like Martino continue to make the best defense of Catholic teaching a good offense the more other more timid Bishops will be willing to speak out. More of them have finally decided it’s time for the line in the sand. Bp Martino’s leadership is most welcomed by faithful Catholics who support what the Church really teaches rather than some liberal university’s interpretation of that.

  3. In a statement of its own, the Diocese of Scranton asked the school to inform its alumni and all the Catholics of the diocese about its efforts to teach Catholic morality regarding sexuality and homosexuality.

    “In doing this, the Bishop believes the school should speak precisely, naming courses, content and even catalog numbers,” the diocese said.

    This, we have to keep a close eye on. I have been doing daily checks on Bp Martino in the news because he is quite active on a number of issues in recent months.

    I don’t think Bishop Martino is going to sit back and do nothing if they do not respond appropriately to what he is asking for.

    We need this kind of dialogue going on with every so-called Catholic univeristy.

    My only wish is that he would grant some of the media outlets interviews. He has declined invitations from many faithful media sources. When you want to know what Bishop Martino is saying, you need to go right to the Scranton Diocese press release page. It is quite active.

  4. TNCath says:

    Wonderful news! Bishop Martino is 62, not too late to be appointed an archbishop somewhere. St. Louis, perhaps? I hope Rome is watching!

  5. Bp. Martino does it again…I’m praying for him. We need someone like him out here in LA

  6. Mark says:

    This is the number to call to offer thanks and support to Bishop Martino. (570) 207-2216

  7. ckdexterhaven says:

    Hey this is great! Bishop Martino is setting a great example for ALL Catholics. Stand up for what the Catholic Church IS. It is much appreciated.

  8. Matt says:

    TNCath: We like our Bishop here in Scranton, thank you very much! :-)

  9. Tomas says:

    “Diversity” and “tolerance” are two of the primary means of deceiving people of good will into accepting perversion and sin. The third is “inclusion.”

  10. TJM says:

    “Diversity” is way over-rated and has become rather silly. No one speaks of “diversity” when they’re selecting a neurosurgeon, they simply
    want the most competent person. I’ve always felt this whole diversity thing was just another scam to make money, kind of like Al Gore peddling “global warming,” another questionable proposition. Good for Bishop Martino for pointing out the obvious. These clowns are all for “diversity” until it affects
    liberal orthodoxy. Tom

  11. JDK says:

    If we would be lucky enough to get Bp. Martino in Omaha, we’d have quite a team in Eastern Nebraska between Bp. Martino and Bp. Bruskewicz!

  12. Hidden One says:

    If this keeps up, I might move to Scranton – from Canada!

  13. TJB says:

    This “diversity” crap is the worst here in Canada. Absolutely anything is acceptable as long as it can be shown to further “diversity.”

  14. LCB says:

    He must have started drinking Mystic Monk Coffee. Quickly, send a pound to every Bishop!

  15. Live Near W/B says:

    I know of children who have attended that institute’s summer camp. It has corrupted minds, infected them with liberalism, and leads to the belief in the equality of all religions and “lifestyles.”

  16. Father – be sure to see the email I sent with “Breaking” in the subject line.

    The Diocese of Scranton added a litany of things to their 2009 Press Release page for today, most of them over administrative things, but two of great interest.

    For convenience, here is the info (pick up relevant direct links at the Diocese of Scranton in my post)

  17. michigancatholic says:

    Amen. I’m glad to see another bishop teaching, finally. Good bishops give us all courage when they speak up for the truth.

  18. ssoldie says:

    See ,prayers for Bishop’s do work. What a wonderful shepard we have in Bishop Martino, and there are others. Pray a rosary daily for them, I believe we will really need them in the near future, for true guidence.

  19. irishgirl says:

    Once again….yay for Bishop Martino!

    I’d like to see him here in Syracuse Diocese….


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