The Holy Father has processed from Sant’Anselmo on the Aventine Hill to Santa Sabina for the Station Mass of Ash Wednesday.
As I write he is vesting for Mass.
It is live on various streams.
I have the sermon and will post some notes on it as soon as he has pronounced it.
UPDATE: The Holy Father departed from his text quite a few times and added additional comments. I’ll see what I can do later if I have some time. Busy day.
I was there! Among the rabble in the back.
W: Good for you! It is a great occasion, redolent of the most ancient practices of the Church of Rome.
What is with Vatican Radio and Television? Where do they get these commentators? Is it required that they be dyslectic and speak a kind of Google Translator English to get the job? I just watched the entire Ash Wednesday Liturgy on EWTN. The young man was far better than some others we have heard of late but, like them all, he sounded very hesitant, as if he really didn’t know what was coming next. Then there are the annoying “preparing to” lines. The Holy Father never just incenses the altar or gives a blessing. He is always “preparing” to incense the altar, or “preparing” to bless the deacon, etc. We are always treated to at least one howler worthy of the redoubtable Mrs. Malaprop. Today it was: “The Holy Father places incense on the thurifer.” This happened twice! The poor boy must have had quite a time getting it out of his hair. As the Holy Father turned left into the chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary we were told: “The Holy Father now enters the sanctuary.” As he removed his mozetta we were told: “He now removes his cope.” San Anselm and Sancta Sabina were described as being “run by” the Benedictines and Dominicans, as if they were parishes. They are, in fact, the international headquarters of both orders — Sanca Sabina since the time of St. Dominic himself. Well, enough! I’ve made my point. I could do without the commentary altogether, but, if we must have it, couldn’t it be real English and actually describe what’s going on?
How I envy those who were fortunate enough to have Pope Benedict as a teacher at the university. He is a phenomenally objective, yet personal teacher.
I couldn’t wath the whole mass, but it looked to me as though the Holy Father was standing during the Homily. First, am I mistaken? Second, what exactly is the convention?
Fr. Aidan Logan OCSO,
Yes to the Dominicans and Santa Sabina, but no to San Anselmo and the Benedictines. The Benedictines have no headquarters, and the Abbot Primate at SA’s has no authority whatsoever over other Benedictine abbeys.
Dear RBrown,
Well, yes, the Abbot Primate is not the superior general of the Benedictines as the Master General is of the Dominicans. San Anselmo is, however, the administrative headquarters of the Benedictine Confederation. The Abbot Primate and his curia are the organ through which the Holy See communicates with Benedictines of all stripes and through which autonomous abbeys and congregations in their tern coordinate matters of concern to all. Through the various institutes of study(monastic, liturgical, music) and meetings of abbots at S. Anselmo the spiritual and intellectual life of monasteries throughout the world is enriched and sustained. In is a headquarters, just not the same kind.