From the Apostolic Penitentiary:
Dono Sacrarum Indulgentiarum ditantur peculiaria spiritalia incepta per Sacerdotalem Annum, in honorem Sancti Ioannis Mariae Vianney indictum, peragenda.
Instat dies qua centum et quinquaginta anni revoluti commemorabuntur a pio transitu in caelum Sancti Ioannis Mariae Vianney, Parochi oppidi Arsensis, qui fuit hic in terris mirum exemplar veri Pastoris facti servi gregis Christi.
Cum ergo eius exemplum natum sit excitare fideles, et praeprimis sacerdotes ad eius imitandas virtutes, Summus Pontifex Benedictus XVI censuit maxime convenire, hac occasione sumpta, ut a die XIX Iunii MMIX ad diem XIX Iunii MMX, peculiaris celebretur in tota Ecclesia Annus Sacerdotalis, quo durante meditationibus piis, aliis actionibus sacris et aliis opportunis inceptis, magis ac magis confirmentur sacerdotes in fidelitate erga Christum.
Quae quidem sacra periodus initium sumet in sollemnitate Sacr.mi Cordis Iesu, electa nimirum in diem sanctificationis sacerdotalis, cum Summus Pontifex vesperas celebrabit praesentibus sacris exuviis Sancti Ioannis Mariae Vianney ab Episcopo Bellicensi-Arsensi Romam allatis. Ipse Beatissimus Pater Annum Sacerdotalem concludet in foro petriano adstantibus ex toto orbe terrarum sacerdotibus, fidelitatem erga Christum et vinculum propriae fraternitatis renovantibus.
Sacerdotes igitur orationibus et bonis operibus a Summo et Aeterno Sacerdote Christo satagant obtinere ut Fide, Spe, Caritate aliisque virtutibus colluceant et consuetudine vitae exterioreque quoque habitu indicentur esse plene bono spiritali populi dediti; quod quidem cordi Ecclesiae maxime semper fuit.
Huic valde desiderato fini consequendo, apprime iuvabit donum Sacrarum Indulgentiarum, quod Apostolica Paenitentiaria, per praesens Decretum iuxta ipsius Augusti Pontificis mentem editum, durante Sacerdotali Anno benigne dilargitur:
A.- Sacerdotibus vere paenitentibus, qui quovis die saltem Laudes matutinas vel Vesperas coram Sacramento, sive publicae adorationi exposito sive in tabernaculo adservato, devote recitaverint et, prompto et generoso animo, celebrationi sacramentorum, praesertim Paenitentiae, exemplum Sancti Ioannis Mariae Vianney imitati, sese praebeant, plenaria misericorditer in Domino impertitur Indulgentia, quam etiam confratribus defunctis per modum suffragii applicare possint, si, iuxta normam iuris, praeterea sacramentalem confessionem instituerint, ad eucharisticum Convivium accesserint et ad mentem Summi Pontificis oraverint.
Sacerdotibus, insuper, partialis conceditur Indulgentia, etiam confratribus defunctis applicabilis, quoties ad vitam sancte ducendam et ad sacra munera, sibi commissa, sancte persolvenda, preces rite adprobatas devote recitaverint.
B.- Omnibus christifidelibus vere paenitentibus, qui in ecclesia aut oratorio, et divino Missae Sacrificio devote astiterint et pro Ecclesiae sacerdotibus obtulerint Iesu Christo, Summo et Aeterno Sacerdoti orationes et quaecumque opera bona illa die peracta ut ipsos sanctificet et faciat secundum Cor suum, plenaria conceditur Indulgentia, dummodo peccata sua sacramentali paenitentia expiaverint et ad mentem Summi Pontificis preces fuderint: diebus, quibus aperietur et claudetur Annus Sacerdotalis, die CL anniversario pii transitus Sancti Ioannis Mariae Vianney, prima feria quinta cuiuslibet mensis aliisve quibusdam diebus a locorum Ordinariis pro fidelium utilitate determinandis.
Summe convenit ut, in cathedralibus atque paroecialibus templis, sacerdotes, cura pastorali fungentes, haec pietatis exercitia publice dirigant, Sanctam Missam celebrent fideliumque confessiones excipiant.
Senibus, infirmis, omnibusque qui legitima causa domo exire nequeunt, concepta detestatione cuiusque peccati et intentione praestandi, ubi primum licuerit, tres consuetas condiciones, in propria domo seu ubi impedimentum eos detinet, plenaria pariter conceditur indulgentia, si diebus supra signatis, preces pro sacerdotum sanctificatione recitaverint et aegritudines vel incommoda propriae vitae Deo per Mariam, Reginam Apostolorum, fiducialiter obtulerint.
Omnibus fidelibus, denique, partialis conceditur Indulgentia, quoties ad sacerdotum conservationem in puritate et sanctitate vitae impetrandam, quinquies Pater, Ave et Gloria in honorem Sacr.mi Cordis Iesu devote recitaverint vel aliam ad hoc approbatam precem.
Praesenti durante Anno Sacerdotali valituro. Quibuscumque in contrarium facientibus non obstantibus.
Datum Romae, ex aedibus Paenitentiariae Apostolicae, die XXV mensis Aprilis, in festo S. Marci, Ev., anno Dominicae Incarnationis MMIX.
Iacobus Franciscus S. R .E. Card. Stafford
Paenitentiarius Maior
† Ioannes Franciscus Girotti, O. F. M. Conv.
Ep. Tit. Metensis, Regens
“in honorem Sancti Ioannis Mariae Vianney… Parochi oppidi Arsensis, qui fuit hic in terris mirum exemplar veri Pastoris facti servi gregis Christi.”
Will we be hearing, for an entire year, the importance of getting to the confessional? And having those confessionals staffed?
I sure hope so!
Dear Father,
I ask your forgiveness for hijacking this comment box, but your quote, “And if you think your bishop or your priest is a failure, perhaps his failure has also been your own failure of charity.” should be posted at the top of your blog for all to reflect on, including me, every day. God Bless you! This is especially pertinent given the Year of the Priest. Many of us, including me, are so ready to criticize rather than to pray. We cannot possibly know what it means to fill those shoes of a Bishop or a Priest.
Nato novarum rerum in Francia tempore, fidem parochi sui, deinde ubique, per multas horas confessione coluit. Ut sacerdotes ubique exemplum suum sequendum confessiones “excipiant.” (10a para). Etiam hodie causa suo opere indulgentia sacderdotibus et omnibus fidelibus datur.
Salutationes omnibus visuris
Erratum: “suo opere.” Corrigendum: “sui operis.”
Gratias ad vestram patientiam.
If anybody wants to read about the Cure of Ars, who’s being made the patron of priests this year, there’s an old book of his sermons and stuff on which might be of interest.,M1
and an old biography by the same guy who edited the sermons:,M1
Another biography:,M1
Fr. Rutler apparently wrote some kind of Vianney book also, which sounds interesting.
See the Cure of Ars by Trochu, available from Tan. BTW, apropos of Mother’s Day, that biography esentially begins, “When Johnny was a little boy, his mother used to read to him from the gospels and the lives of the saints.”
In light of that, I cannot understand why bishops and vocational directors do not put great emphasis there, talking to young mothers and fathers to get the damnable televisions OUT of their homes and get the gospels and the lives of the saints IN. If even ten per cent of our parents did anything of the kind, the vocational crisis would be solved, period.
In reading many lives of the saints, I’ve seen that phenomenon again and again. The baptism of the imagination is everything.
We need a year dedicated to Mrs. Vianney.
I will say, however, that the good Cure was perhaps a little harsh in his opposition to dancing and fiddleplaying. Although I grant you that it seems the dances he tried to break up were not exactly the peak of wholesome social interaction, according to other villages nearby. (Bad local village culture! Bad!)
Where can I get an English translation of this? I can’t read Latin (wish I could!).
Laurinda, I’m sure there is an official vatican English publication somewhere, but this is the fastest I could find. Hope it helps!
God Bless
What a shame that so few priests in my diocese could ever read this!
Maybe at least yours would be interested and not actively denouncing the use of Latin as most of the priests in this diocese does. We also have a diocesan historian that can’t seem to help but take a shot at the ‘Latin Mass’ in many of her articles. The Southern Cross sometimes rivals the National Catholic Reporter on the fidelity scale. Our priest and those he has trained have clearly stated during sermons their disdain for Latin and any one of those could could unfortunately become bishops at some time in the future. My hope is that one day a couple of qualifications to lead a diocese would be to promote the usage of Latin and ‘sacred music’ during Mass. Another idea would to be obedient enough to implement the recent Motu Proprio for those faithful that prefer not to have to endure ‘hootenany masses’ with touchy-feely songs that no one can possibly sing accompanied by guitars and hordes of EM’s descending upon the altar of sacrifice to quickly move the throngs of communicants through or even worse sometimes impart a blessing(liturgical abuse?).
“What a shame that so few priests in my diocese could ever read this!”
I run my parish’s website, so I made sure to make a page for it. When I told my pastor that I could only get a hold of the Latin version of the indulgence, I said that it was unfortunate that it would do no good for me to post it as no one in the parish would have any hope of reading it (I admit, my Latin is terrible – pronunciation is great, actually reading and understanding it, not so good), and he responded with (and I quote from his e-mail): “Latin doesn’t do most people much good, fortunately. Why, it is a dead language.” Fortunately, he says! This is exactly the kind of thing many of us are up against. Even if I could get a solid group of parishioners together to request a Latin Mass, even an OF Mass, I have my pastor saying that it is fortunate that no one understands Latin anymore. I will never know how that man got through law school and seminary with that attitude.
At any rate, at least I was allowed to put up a page at all with information about this. I don’t think they’re fans of my putting up direct references to the Vatican, and especially indulgences – particularly when I use positive and reverential language. I got away with a little more than I thought I would this time, they didn’t even mention the fact that I linked Blessed John XXIII’s encyclical about Vianney.
Thank you, Christopher, you made my day! I can’t believe I didn’t think to google it myself, brain-freeze.