I had this note from a reader:
The Archdiocese of Saint Louis is adding new courses to the Paul VI Pontifical Institute offering. Of special note:
Topics: (1) how to pronounce and sing key elements of the Mass and other rites in ecclesiastical Latin; (2) why Latin matters in the Roman Rite; (3) the meaning and history of key Latin terms that appear in the liturgy. The course will make available a review of English grammar and an introduction to the basics of Latin grammar and skills for reading Latin liturgical texts. The instructor is Rev. Samuel F. Weber, O.S.B., is founder and first director of the Institute for Sacred Music, Archdiocese of Saint Louis.
The Paul VI Pontifical Institute is the catechetical teaching arm of the Archdiocese with classroom and online programs and certificates for teachers, catechists, CRE/DRE’s, and layity. Also of note is the newest certificate: Certificate of Catholic Medical Moral Catechesis
Fr. Weber is a wonderful teacher. Anyone that goes to this class will only benefit. I have actually met him a couple times, wonderful man. He has been involved at St Francis De Sales as well. Anyone in the area knows that is a MAJOR TLM hub, as it is occupied by the Institute of Christ the King.
I was wondering when this was finally going to happen. I suppose it was all on hold till we got a new Shepherd, and he got everything going. You might recall Fr. Weber was appointed just before His Excellency Raymond Burke was called to Rome.
Exciting times in St Louis, The Oratory just completed a wonderful chant class, and this will only compliment things in the archdiocese
Deo Gratias, sanity has returned (at least to St. Louis). Tom