While people in the US are today worked up about elections, etc., we might take a moment to pause and peruse the 2005 Martyrologium Romanum and put our lives in perspective.
From today’s entries.
1. Smyrnae in Asia, passio sancti Germanici, martyris Philadelphiae, qui, tempore Marci Antonini et Lucii Aurelii imperatorum, sancti Polycarpi discipulus fuit, quem in martyrio praecessit, cum, primaevae aetatis venustate florente a iudice damnatus, Dei virtute metum corporeae suae fragilitatis excludens bestiam ipsi paratam sponte provocavit.
2. Apud Spoletum in Umbria, sancti Pontiani, martyris, qui, tempore Antonini imperatoris, pro Christo vehementissime virgis caesus esse traditur, tandem gladio transfossus.
Anyone want to give us your own slavishly literal versions?
2. At Spoleto in Umbria, the commemoration of St. Pontianus. When Antoninus was emperor, he was handed over to be severely beaten with batons, then pierced through with a sword.
Exemplum meum Martyrologii de aliis passionibus et visitatione angeli S. Pontiani loquitur.
Salutationes omnibus.
1. At Smyrna in Asia, the passion of St. Germanicus, martyr of Philadelphia. He was a disciple of St. Polycarp, who he proceeded in witness. When Germanicus was condemned by the judge, he was in the bright handsomeness of his young age. By the strength of God, he shut out his fear from his physicial weakness, and from his own choice provoked the animal prepared for him.
Salutationes omnibus.
Corrigendum: “When Marcus Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius were Emperors, he was a disciple of St. Polycarp, whom he preceded in witness…”
Ante mittendum, pensandum.
Working off of Tom for #2
At Spoleto in Umbria, the commemoration of Pontianus, who, when Antoniunus was emperor, for Christ was handed over to be severely beaten with batons, finally run through by a sword.
I think the pro Christo is important, even though the motivation of Pontianus in the broadest sense is understood, judging where this entry comes from.
Erratum erat. Corrigendum: ad finem, “for Christ.”
Matutina hora delictus meus. Tibi gratias ago.
Longior glossa a http://officiumdivinum.org, sub capitulo “Martyrologium Romanum” est.