EF/TLM TRIDUUM in NYC at Holy Innocents

For those of you close to Manhattan, NYC…  the Sacred Triduum will be observed in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, according to 1962 Roman Missal at the Church of the Holy Innocents in Manhattan:

  • Maundy Thursday, 4/1, at 7:30 PM
  • Good Friday, 4/2, at 6:00 PM
  • Easter Vigil, 4/3, at 11:00 PM

On Good Friday, the choir will sing De Victoria’s turba setting for the Passion, as well as his setting of the Reproaches. 

Holy Innocents Church is located on 37th Street between Broadway and 7th Avenue.

Yours truly will also be involved.  I believe I am celebrant for two of these services.

This may be the first time in a great while that the Triduum has been observed using the traditional form in Manhattan.


Tonight is the Vigil of Easter.  I am scheduled to be the celebrant.

I will during Holy Mass remember all of you who have been benefactors and have given donations using the donation button and who have used the amazon wishlist or the pitch-in card.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Animadversor says:

    I believe I am celebrant for two of these services.

    Perhaps you should find out for sure.

  2. my kidz mom says:

    My daughter hopes to attend college in NY. She’s already picked out Church of the Holy Innocents as her future parish :)

  3. Anima: Perhaps you should find out for sure.

    Perhaps you should come and find out what happens!

  4. Agellius says:

    In case you wanted to announce it:

    ‘The Latin Roman Rite Holy Thursday Mass and Good Friday liturgy will be held at St. John Chrysostom Church in Inglewood. The Mass for Holy Thursday (April 1st) will begin at 5 P.M. promptly as the next Mass starts at 7:30 P.M. The Good Friday liturgy will start at 3:30 P.M., after the regularly scheduled Good Friday liturgy. The John Chrysostom is located at 546 E. Florence Ave., Inglewood CA 90301.’


    This is the only TLM I could find in the L.A. area, including Orange and San Bernardino counties, during the Triduum. There is the usual Sunday TLM at 10:30 on Easter at San Secondo d’Asti in Ontario.

  5. pilgrimom says:

    Can anyone share any information about other Triduums in the CT/NY area? St. Stanislaus in New Haven has a Good Friday service, but that’s the only service that I have heard of in the state.

  6. cregduff says:

    I will be there taking photographic evidence on this historic occasion and assisting at least on Maundy Thursday.

    Ed Casey

  7. Animadversor says:

    Anima: Perhaps you should find out for sure.

    Perhaps you should come and find out what happens!

    Well, since I suppose that you’re going to say the black and do the red, I ought to have a pretty good idea of what will happen, no? Or maybe I oughtn’t be such a doggone smartaleck!

  8. gloriainexcelsis says:

    And from the Left Coast
    St. Stephen’s, Sacramento, Palm Sunday, had an altar set up in the courtyard. Palms were blessed, antiphons, etc., distributed with parishioners kneeling at prie dieux to kiss the palm frond and priest’s hand with choir singing “Pueri Hebraeorum,” then antiphons and gospel. Procession followed with “Gloria, laus, et honor…” Solemn High Mass followed with the three priests chanting the whole of Matthew’s Passion. Glorious.

    Holy Thursday: Tenebrae at 9am, Confessions 5:45-6:45pm. Solemn High Mass, Washing of feet (all altar servers), Adoration at a special decorated altar in the gym until midnight.

    Good Friday: Tenebrae 8am, Stations noon, Confessions noon to 12:45pm. Solemn Liturgy 1pm, again with John’s Passion sung by the three priests.

    Holy Saturday, Easter Vigil: Tenebrae 9am, confessions 7:30pm-8:15pm. Easter Vigil 8:30pm

    Easter: 8:30AM Low Mass, 10:30am Solemn High Mass, 1pm Low Mass. Confessions before and after each Mass

    If you live within a hundred miles, try to make it to Sacramento. Stay over if you have to. Holy Week here is something to remember.

  9. MarieSiobhanGallagher says:

    Info about Holy Week in greater NY area incl NJ, CT:

    Wednesday, March 31

    St. Mary Church, Norwalk, CT, Solemn Office of Tenebrae, 8 pm.

    Holy Thursday, April 1

    Church of the Holy Innocents, 128 W. 37th St., Manhattan, 7:30 pm

    Our Lady of Fatima Chapel, Pequannock, NJ, 6 pm followed by adoration until midnight

    St. Anthony of Padua Oratory, West Orange, NJ, 7:00 pm High Mass followed by Eucharistic Adoration

    Good Friday, April 2

    St. Mary Church, Norwalk, CT, 3 pm.

    St.Stanislaus Church, New Haven, CT, 12 noon.

    Church of the Holy Innocents, Manhattan,6:00 pm.

    Our Lady of Fatima Chapel, Pequannock, NJ, Seven Last Words preached by Fr. Baker, 12:30-2:30 pm, Mass of the Presanctified, 3 pm

    Holy Rosary Church, Jersey City, NJ, (201) 795-0120, 3:00 PM Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion and Death, Chanted Passion according to John, Choral Responses by Victoria & Christus Factus Est by Anerio

    St. Anthony of Padua Oratory, West Orange, NJ, 3:00 pm, Liturgy of the Passion and the Death of Our Lord

    Easter Vigil, April 3

    Church of the Holy Innocents, Manhattan, 11:00 pm

    Our Lady of Fatima Chapel, Pequannock, NJ, 10:00 pm

    St. Anthony of Padua Oratory, West Orange, NJ , 9:00 pm Easter Vigil Mass

    Easter Sunday, April 4

    St. Mary Church, Norwalk, CT, Solemn Mass in newly restored church, 9:30 am.

    St. Stanislaus Church, New Haven, CT, 2 pm.

    St. Bridget of Kildare, Moodus, CT, 10:30 AM.

    St. Margaret, Waterbury, CT, 10:15 AM.

    St. Mary, New Britain, CT, 4:00 PM.

    Immaculate Conception, Waterbury, CT, 6:00 PM.

    Our Saviour’s, New York, NY, Missa Cantata, 9:00 AM

    St Agnes Church, New York, NY, missa cantata, 11:00 AM,

    Immaculate Conception Church, Sleepy Hollow, NY, 3PM Solemn Mass

    Our Lady of Fatima Chapel, Pequannock, NJ, 7 am, 9 am and 11 am.

    Holy Rosary Church, Jersey City, NJ , 9:45 AM Solemn High Mass, Missa Simile Est Regnum Cælorum by Victoria with Motets by Handel & Pergolesi

    For more info:

  10. Animadversor: I oughtn’t be such a doggone smartaleck!

    It is you who have said it!

  11. wolfeken says:

    From the above, it appears this is the annual college telephone pole for the Trad Triduum. In that case, here is the greater Washington/Baltimore/Richmond schedule:

    Maundy Thursday —

    6 p.m. at Saint Joseph’s in Richmond, Va.
    7 p.m. at Old Saint James in Charles Town, W.Va.
    7 p.m. at Saint Alphonsus in Baltimore, Md.
    7:30 p.m. at Saint Mary’s in Washington, D.C.
    Good Friday —

    12 noon at Old Saint James in Charles Town, W.Va.
    1 p.m. at Old Saint John’s in Silver Spring, Md.
    3 p.m. at Saint Joseph’s in Richmond, Va.
    Holy Saturday —

    7 p.m. at Saint Alphonsus in Baltimore, Md.
    11 p.m. at Saint Joseph’s in Richmond, Va.

  12. Mitchell NY says:

    I was at the Good Friday service, your Latin sounds so nice sung Father.

  13. irishgirl says:

    Father Z, are you going to have a PodCazt of you singing during the Easter Vigil? I love it the way you chant the Latin!

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