I picked this up from my friend John Sonnen of Orbis Catholicus.
Please pray for the soul of Fr. Ambrose Eszer, OP, who died recently. Perhaps just say a prayer for him right now before clicking away?
One of Rome’s great Dominican legends has passed away, Fr. Ambrogio Eszer, O.P.
He was often seen at the Vatican and in Piazza Pio XII taking a taxi between there and the Angelicum, where he lived.
Fr. Ambrogio worked for the Congregation of the Causes of Saints and was always seen in his full Dominican habit with beret. Professor of sacred theology and chaplain in Austria of the Knights of Malta he was a very holy man who did great work for Mother Church.
He passed away in Germany on April 13, 2010. Please pray for his soul. He was a fine priest and a wonderful professor. I took his photo many times.
I knew Fr. Eszer and also enjoyed his lectures during the courses I took from the same Congregation for Causes of Saints.
Eternal memory!
I had the great pleasure of taking one of Fr. Eszer’s classes while studying at the Angelicum.
He was apparently the relator for the cause of Josemaria Escriva, the priest who founded Opus Dei, and a bunch of other folks of note. Huh. How little we appreciate these folks who work so hard behind the scenes.
Rest in peace, Father!
I’ll pray for the repose of his soul, but from what I remember of him over these past decades, he is now being brought into the eternal habitations by those whose causes he moved forward, so many who were persecuted under Communist totalitarianism.
A good man, good guy, very funny, and a bit of character.
He was Relator General at the Congregation. The RG presides over all the Relators.