Do you have some good news for the readers?
Today in NYC I will be spending some time with the great Fr. Robert Pasley, pastor of Mater Ecclesiae in Berlin, NJ, which I have visited several times.
You may remember that last year I helped out there at the beginning of Lent just as a huge snowfall caved in part of the roof of the rectory. Their good news is that it has been rebuilt.
What good is up with you?
We just got the “clear to close” this morning after 2 months on our very first home. It feels great to be able to provide a home for my family for the first time in 10 years of renting since we got married at 21. We are praying now nothing falls apart at closing and we will be in our new home on Monday.
The Holy Father named a new Bishop for the Diocese of Evansville!
Shoaib Assadullah, the Afghan convert to Christianity who had been jailed after sharing a Bible and then told he had seven days to convert back to islam or be executed for apostasy is out of jail! I spent months praying for him and scouring the web for an update and finally located new information about this brave Christian, you can read all about it at my blog, here:
The parcel of prayer shawls and blankets (4 ladies shawls, 2 men’s lap blankets and 2 children’s blankets) that I mailed on March 29th reached Japan on Wednesday April 20th and have been passed on to someone who works in Caritas Japan. They will be brought to Sendai City for presenting to tsunami survivors.
Although our contribution is but a drop in an ocean, it comes from our hearts and we hope it will bring peace to those who receive them.
Neither my family nor I suffered any damage from the recent storms! Tenebrae last week – and the Triduum in general – went great for the choirs! There is a T-bone steak in the fridge with my name written on it…time to break out the grill!
I have great news. Late Saturday night my wife and I came into full communion with Holy Mother Church. I received Confirmation and my wife First Communion and Confirmation. Is there any better news we could offer? I darest say no!
Two pieces of good news:
One, my mother, who was in the hospital earlier in the year for one thing was at that time diagnosed with lung cancer; last week she had surgery and came through great, and the prognosis is no chemo or raditation will be needed. Deo gratias!
Two, a book I edited, Anglicans and the Roman Catholic Church, was just published by Ignatius, admg.
My news is just little, but it sure made my week. Since moving to a new parish our two year old and nine month old have been “testing” us to see if they can get away with more than they got away with before we made the move. On Easter Sunday they sat in the pew for a grand total of 105 minutes without being taken out once! I was one happy mom!
Next week I will be serving my first (EF) Mass solo!
You’ll be in good company. I was thinking of Father Pasley on the Pope’s anniversary. Poor Father! At the time, he was with a friend of mine (in London, perhaps?) and they couldn’t find a screen so phoned me to find out who had been elected. The memory of how thrilled he was had me smiling all day.
I found out this morning that I am, in fact, getting promoted after 4+ years in the same position. Still some red tape to clear, but it was announced to my team, so I am spreading the word.
These past seven days included my father getting a new job, myself earning a promotion and most importantly my godson was baptized, confirmed and received 1st holy communion this Easter vigil! Lauds a tibi Domine!
Looks like I am going to be visiting Savannah, Georgia next month! I am very excited to see their beautiful cathedral and may even be able to attend my first EF mass while there.
Things are looking up generally!
I was given a copy of Jesus of Nazareth (Holy Week ed.) for Easter! Happy reading to help digest the full impact of the Paschal Mystery!
I went to a coffee shop with my travel mug, a coupon, and the right answer for the trivia question, thus acquiring my daily dosage of caffeine for only $0.10! Why, with the money I saved, I could buy me some Mystic Monk Coffee! Mmmmm good!
Happy and blessed Easter to all. He is risen! Alleluia!
Still astounded that
“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.”
@Mom2301 – You will love St. John the Baptist cathedral in Savannah. It is breathtakingly beautiful. It reminded me of the many cathedral’s in Europe I’ve been to. I can’t speak to the EF Mass as I haven’t been to it yet, though will by end of year as my parents live in the area now but I did talk with a lady while there and she said it is a full processional High Mass and they have Chant done by the Schola there. The acoustics are great and when she described it it gave me chills. I can hardly wait. The EF Mass is a 1pm every Sunday. Enjoy.
After much struggle, a dear friend’s fiance came into full communion with the Church on Vigil. His anti-Catholic family is very upset, but he is surrounded by supportive friends. Deo gratias!
We made it through a very beautiful holy week and husband is only a bit sick (happens every year)
We are at about the halfway point on our fifth pregnancy. Our son has his first piano recital this Friday. My wife and I will be attending The Barber of Seville Saturday evening. And the medical first responder course I’m taking as a firefighter is almost done, so I’ll get my Saturday’s back.
Well, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception may not be supporting the Extraordinary Form this year, but they are definitely supporting some traditional carmelites out west! Through their bookshop I was able to try Mystic Monk Coffee for the first time, specifically their pascua blend. Needless to say they are now my preferred supplier of caffeine.
Also, this Thursday I will be attending my first Solemn High Mass in the EF. I’ve only been to low Mass before.
Also, I have just received feedback from somebody who is interested in starting a schola with me. I can finally put that Parish book of Chant I have to good use.
And most importantly, I have a friend who will finally be received into the Church this Sunday, along with five other people. Prayers please!
Father, thanks for the opportunity to both share good news and read the good news of others! This year’s Easter Vigil marks the anniversary of my – and five of my seven children’s – entry into the Catholic Church in an EF Community. The past two years have been fraught with trials, but our Faith is still strong! And my oldest son, who lives in Rochester, NY, also became Catholic last November! He cantors in his church, directs the choir and also sings in a Latin Mass Schola once a month in his town! He and I will both attend the Sacred Music Colloquium in June in Pittsburgh. That son is getting married in July – more good news! And our oldest daughter graduates from our homeschool this May and has several scholarships to major in music next year. Finally, most of our family was pleased to be able to serve as musicians (I cantored, my third son played trumpet and my girls sang in the choir) in a Mass our Bishop celebrated at a local college with my youngest two sons serving as altar boys! God is so good!
Welcome Home, David.
That there was a priest available and willing to hear my confession on Saturday and one willing to offer a daily Mass this morning that I was able to attend. There is pretty much never *not* a priest available in the Boston area, but we take it for granted. It’s still good news that they are there.
On Easter Sunday, I started to teach my two sons the order of the Mass. It is quite delicate situation since I married my wife while I was still not baptized and she comes from completely atheist family. So, I take our three kids (the youngest is a girl) to the Church almost every Sunday, but it is not too easy for neither of us, my dear wife and me. I don’t give up, though (who could, actually, as a Christian, right?). So, it was a very good Easter indeed and I hope for even better next year.
My toddler and my beautiful newborn have a very conveniently similar nap schedule, which does great things for my prayer life, chores, hygiene, and mental health :)
One of my best friends received all the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil. I’m happy to be his godmother, and our Church is richer for all the wonderful new members she has this week. Also, one of my adult cousins was confirmed on Saturday, and her fiance was received into the Church. Praise God!
I went to confession after long 4 month (last time was at Christmas). It was time! Thank you my Lord!!!
It’s my daughter’s first Holy Communion this coming Sunday!
This Friday, April 29th, I will be retiring from a successful career spanning over 30 years and will have enough from pensions and Social Security payments and savings to live well for the rest of my days, in the style to which I have become accustomed. Deo gratias! Please say a prayer for me that my health will be good for a long time (Deo volente) and that I will not neglect charity and charitable work!
My old age is showing by way of short term memory (among other things). I don’t remember if I shared the good news that St. Joseph the Worker Chapel, the FSSP apostolate in Tyler, Texas, will be raised to the status of parish on May 1. Father Scott Allen FSSP, the Chaplain, will now be the first Pastor. Bishop Alvaro Corrado of the Tyler Diocese is coming to celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form. He will bless our newly refurbished sanctuary as well. Our small, fledgling choir will sing Lux et Origo and we will have a schola from nearby Arkansas to sing the Propers. Deo Gratias, Alleluia!
My best friend was confirmed at the Easter Vigil.
Yesterday, at 07:58 AM EDT, I welcomed my second daughter into the world. She’s very laid back, something to which her 4 year old sister could learn. Now just spending some quiet time with my wife and daughter in our hospital room.
Finished and mailed a difficult-but-necessary letter today.
Recently blessed with my “dream job.” I work at my parish part time. It is so perfect for me. I had prayed so long for help finding a job. I love it there!
The person dearest to me in the world was diagnosed with a very dangerous cancer in November. I and others have prayed and masses were offered. Recently it has become evident that the initial rounds of chemotherapy have succeeded far beyond even the rosiest possibilities imagined by the attending doctors. This will result in much more limited and less damaging surgery. It is not a miracle in the sense of something that appears to defy science outright. But it is a marvel and a prayer answered.
Received an Easter Sunday phonecall from our daughter, the Carmelite novice. She is well and very happy. She has really taken to the farm work. I find this surprising because when she was a little girl, she never wanted to go outside! Her joy brings her mother’s heart joy, too. We are looking forward to visiting her next month.
@David Homoney
Now I am really excited! Since I am not travelling alone, I will not be able to be master of my schedule but I’m really going to try to get to that EF mass. Maybe I should invest in a chapel veil before I go. Seems like Fr. Z has lots of advice regarding that purchase!
Yesterday I attended the Ordination Mass of Father William Waltersheid who was named by our Holy Father as the new Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh. We personally know him and believe him to be a gift to the Church. His love of the Blessed Mother, as well as his profound humility, inspires all who encounter him.
I attended with my family I meant to say.
I start a new job Monday 5/2!
Several years ago I went anti-religion and packed away every piece of religious anything I had in my room. One of those things was my (only) Rosary given to me as a Confirmation gift (it was also blessed by the bishop after Mass) by my now deceased aunt, who was also my sponsor. I’ve been frantically looking for it throughout boxes and boxes of stuff. I haven’t found it yet, but I did find one box of old crosses and crucifixes that I acquired over the years, which means I must be getting closer.
Two pieces of good news:
My husband and I will be going away for a couple of days to celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary.
I have the opportunity to attend Mater Ecclesiae Church on a regular basis.
I got my acceptance letter to the Friar of the Immaculate last night!!!!!!
I got an A on an essay I wrote defending Humanae Vitae in my “History of Catholicism” class at the (extremely secular and liberal) University of Michigan. However, I was urged to “try and keep an open mind about your own beliefs and not be afraid to question your views and those of others whom you associate with as you continue your education. Self-evaluation is a critical tool in academia and life, regardless of your political or religious identity.”
Oh well–I’ll take the A and run!