The other day I mentioned that I had heard that Msgr. Keith Newton of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham would be received by Pope Benedict XVI.
This is on VIS:
Il Santo Padre ha ricevuto questa mattina in Udienza: Card. William Joseph Levada, Prefetto della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede, con:
S.E. Mons. Alan Stephen Hopes, Vescovo tit. di Cuncacestre, Ausiliare di Westminster (Gran Bretagna), e
il Mons. Keith Newton, Ordinario dell’Ordinariato Personale di Our Lady of Walsingham.
This Pope does not receive nearly as many people as the late John Paul II. Many high-powered figures don’t see the Pope when they go to Rome. The fact that Pope Benedict received Msgr. Newton is a sign of His Holiness personal commitment to the success of the provisions of Anglicanorum coetibus.
Benedict XVI is the Pope of Christian Unity.
It’s really wonderful to see this happening in England and Wales. Our Lady is getting her dowry back! What I want to know, though, is when do we get our Ordinariate here in the U.S.? I know patience is a virtue, but it’s really hard when there aren’t even any rumors to hang one’s hopes on.
There are more than rumors. This should help.
Father, would you please take a look at (and perhaps comment about) this: The failure of the doctrinal colloquia with the Fraternity of Saint Pius X and the matter of a “traditional ordinariate”.
I pray that the Ordinariate in the UK is a success, and it grows not only in the USA but other places as well.
I hope such a parish is opened here soon so I may visit and rejoice with those who rejoice.
Very good news! Our Lady truly is at work! And there are some steps in Orange County California… this Sunday actually
Say a prayer!
Jucken: How’s about youse get us a translation pronto. I no speakie le Frenchie.
I’m not so good at “le français”. If you do understand “il italiano”, there’s an italian translation here.
Benedicto Sexto Decimo, Summo Pontífici et universáli Papæ pax, vita et salus perpétua!
Good to hear. I am definitely praying for the Ordinate!