Remember the new, old altar in the chapel of the chancery of the Diocese of Madison?
That altar has now been dedicated and used, by the local bishop His Excellency Most Rev. Robert C. Morlino.
Some eye-candy.
Pontifical Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form.
WDTPRS kudos to the entire Diocese of Madison.
“Whosoever shall glorify me, him will I glorify.”
-Samuel 2:30
This verse quite appropriate as the context is Eli’s sons who profaned the sacrifice and displeased the Lord as did Eli who did not correct them. Hmmm. Sounds familiar.
God says that yes, he promised these Levites would be his priests but…. “he who despises me, I will despise him.” If you have read your OT, BELIEVE me you don’t want God despising you.
Why do people take pictures of the most solemn moment of the mass and then use them for propaganda purposes?
It was a wonderful Mass. I was privileged to attend.