The Transalpine Redemptorists waaaaaay out on Papa Stronsay of the Scottish coast are doing some campaigning to help them make ends meet. They have a calendar which looks pretty nice.
I had a nice note from “Br. Martin” who sent me a link to a video about it.
To learn more about how to support the the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer on Papa Stronsay click HERE.
I have been to Papa Stronsay once, and to Orkney several times: it is one of my favourite places. The life there can be hard, but the monks are blessed to be in such a place. Nonetheless, they do need help and are worth one’s thought. Among other things, they are a reminder of how strong the Church was in Britain, and that the Church in Europe is more than Italy. I’ll order half a dozen copies for various friends and family.
I was saddened when I found out that St. Magnus’ Cathedral has become, in effect, ecumenical.
Two wonderful young men from the FSSP parish in Kansas City are among its newest members. This group is a purgatorial society, and you can enroll yourself and your family in it. When our parents died, we notified them and were sent a certificate of perpetual remembrance for each, which are framed and hanging in the family home.
I find it interesting how the inclusion of the sun’s course through the Zodiac is explained. Oh, and I ordered mine as well.
Having bought many Traditional liturgical calendars from various sources over the years, I have to say this is my favorite.
In addition to the calendar, they have a wonderful quarterly magazine called ‘Catholic”. Just the color pictures of liturgical celebrations and aspects of Catholic culture around the world are well worth the price.
There is much from FSSP in “Catholic.” The Transalpine Redemptorists study at the FSSP seminary. Our pastor gets a few copies. I always buy one for myself and one for a good friend. Can’t wait for the new issue and the calendar.
There is much from FSSP in “Catholic.” The Transalpine Redemptorists study at the FSSP seminary. Our pastor gets a few copies. I always buy one for myself and one for a good friend. Can’t wait for the new issue and the calendar.
Just ordered 4. What great stocking stuffers! Papa Stronsay just made my bucket list. Thank you Father Z!
If one has not seen this documentary about the Transalpine Redemptorists, one should,
I believe some of the Transalpine Redemptorists are bi-ritual and celebrate the Divine Liturgy as well? Can anyone confirm this? Thank you.
I get their calendar every year. Note also you can enroll in their Purgatorial Archconfraternity to have Masses said for you or others throughout the year. Our family and several now deceased friends are perpetual members.
Just think, all those Masses raining down on you in Purgatory!
This term, bi-ritual, I never heard before and today I’ve come across it 5 times! I presume it means a priest or a parish offers both Church-approved N.O. and TLM masses? But then technically “bi-ritual” isn’t correct, is it? Possibly “bi-liturgical”?
Fr. Z, thanks for the link, I love those Papa Stronsay monks. I am buying a calendar right now!
Thanks Fr. Z! I just ordered several copies!
Also thank you to the other commenters for your information!
Joan A, bi-ritual usually refers to priests that offer both the Latin Rite (EF, OF, or both) and one of the Eastern Rites. For example, Fr. Robert Parent the chaplain of our St. Gregory the Great Latin Mass Chaplaincy here in Maine, also offers the Divine Liturgy in the Melkite Rite and was previously assigned to a Melkite parish in Connecticut.
The EF (TLM) and OF (N.O.) are considered forms of the same Latin Rite, rather than different rites.
I saw the video on TV here in Australia about two years ago. I have often logged on to their website and I have just bought one of their calendars. I have bought them previously. I don’t suppose that I will ever make it to Papa Stronsay although I would very much like to do so. I have always admired them there.
I don’t know how often the Byzantine Divine Liturgy is offered there, but as New Liturgical Movement put it, “one original aspect of Papa Stronsay is the interest of that community – which celebrates the traditional Roman rite – in the Byzantine Slavic rite,” and noted they have a Byzantine chapel and hermitage there.
Their calendars are not only helpful, but very beautiful. I look forward to them every year.
Also, I highly recommend their “Catholic” newspaper – it contains a lot of information about little known Feast Days and Saints, news from around the world, and a great “notice” section at the end for weddings, ordinations, etc.
I just received the calendars that I ordered.
The calendar is beautiful, highlighting their daily lives and lovely Masses. Where do all those young men come from!
Oh, yes…and all the helpful information, too!
Just bumping this thread in case someone was going to order but has kept putting it off. Do it!
Where do all those young men come from!
From families, parishes, and communities that are docile to the Eternal Spirit of Almighty God instead of to the destructive spirit of the age. May their numbers ever increase!