This almost needs a caption call.
From The Onion:
Pope Francis Wearing Sweater Vestments He Got For Christmas
Moderation queue is ON, of course.
This almost needs a caption call.
From The Onion:
Pope Francis Wearing Sweater Vestments He Got For Christmas
Moderation queue is ON, of course.
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“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
- Fulton Sheen
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"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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It’s too easy….I won’t say it….
I won’t say it….
Fine…I’ll say it: It’s an improvement over his usual vestments.
This is a excellent photo of Monsignor Guido Marini just in the early stages of formulating a face palm.
Pope only Wearing New Vestments because Vatican HVA/C is Broken, “Better itch than freeze”
Pope Francis makes an unprecedented move to make liturgical vestments less rigid and more conforming to our needs and excesses.
And the winner of the “Ugly Christmas Sweater” is ……………..
And here we have Pope Francis parading the new AL pastoral garment: it’ll pull the wool over everything!
Sheesh, that’s so bad that I could believe its a malicious photo-shop job!
Monsignor Marini seems unable to look at the Holy Father in this woolly guise!
This is the perfect image of Msgr Marini beginning to think about what “accident” may befall these “sweater” vestments. And whom his alibi should be.
well, it is apparently very cold in Rome right now.
At least the liturgical color is still valid.
“Baby its cold outside”
All dressed up for the “Purl-y Gates”.
But where are the reindeer?… and the sequins?
Poor man. Looks like he should be sheared.
I hope he wears it only for grand occasions, lest he throw his purls before swine.
The Purl of Great Price?
[Well played.]
There are some who wear their hairshirt inside their clothes, and some who wear the hairshirt as their clothes.
May one assume it was knitted form St. Agnes Wool?
Back in the 1980’s there was a spoof catalog on L.L. Bean – a Maine institution – titled “Items from Our Catalog.” I think Beans successfully sued to have it suppressed but before that I was lucky to get a copy. One of the spoof items, featuring an image of St John Paul II, were “Our Own Thinsulite(tm) Papal Vestments.”
One can imagine the comments:
‘Nice vestments, Holy Father.’
‘No, really, it looks great on you!’
‘Homemade vestments are the best!’
And the perennial:
‘I wish someone loved me enough to make me vestments just like that!’
Stop already, I have not had enough coffee for this yet! Surely this is a photo shop right?
Pope Francis has a Perry Como Christmas.
Frightening simply because it is so utterly believable.
This could prompt all kinds of ideas among a certain “school of liturgists.”
Custom made by a knitter inspired by the God of Surprises – note change in direction in the twist of the cable on the right.
the good Monsignor
” if I step on this thread here at the bottom, what will happen?”
Another tangled web
Perhaps this is to demonstrate what it means to take on the smell of the sheep…
Hope he got a nomex alb underneath. That’d be a heck of a fire hazard. Kinda reminds me of something my mom would have made me wear with corduroy trousers. At least the “sweastment” would muffle the swishing sound of my thighs rubbing together.
In the life of the priest you can have the frequent occasion of the “dreaded gift stole”.
[Oh dear, yes.]
The first one he got was in Liturgical Blue, but he used the Gift Receipt to exchange it.
All of you are completely right above, but my first thought, as a knitter, was “That would have taken FOREVER to make. What a sacrifice!”
At first I groaned when I saw this until I realised it came from the Onion. I began to see the funny side when I thought about what would happen if it was worn in the rain or if it received a particularly strong drenching at the Asperges. The weight of the wool would be intolerable for the wearer. That is definitely taking the metaphor of sheep too far.
Clearly the Holy Father is setting an example for all priests who live in an area with carbon tax and can parishes can no longer afford to turn the heat up, yet still want to remain warm. Sometimes it’s not about turning the heat up. Sometimes it’s about wearing knitted polyester vestments. Coming soon, knitted chalice cozies to keep the Precious Blood from freezing.
” Sheesh! the sisters of the LCWR have gone totally off rail with this Christmas gift! I feel sheepish in this!”
Seamless garment?
Now that’s what I call a nice ‘corda- gan’.
I actually thought this might be real until I saw the Onion title.
Marini: “Baah! Shee
psh! How does one cope with this?”Etsy Fresh Finds: Inspired by…?
“Does this make me look fat?”
I can’t believe Pope Francis fell for one of the oldest tricks in the book.
Gregory the Great received a parcel in late 598. It had a fancy robe with weird stitching. He sniffed something off about the whole thing and tossed it in the fire.
In 1074 an anonymous Christmas bundle arrived for Gregory VII. It was a stunning lamb’s wool vestment; however, as he was no dumb bunny, he recognized it for the Trojan horse it was. Worked into the weave with gold thread were fertility god symbols, advocating for married priests. He gave it to his hunting dog when she had pups.
Paul III was gifted with a gorgeous set of vestments in 1545. Embroidered in what is the earliest known version of Morse code, he spotted the Ninety-five Theses. His sister, who had a sense of humor, had her handmaids re-embroider the dots into dozens of rosaries. Then she had it tacked up on the door of All Saints Church.
Probably smells like sheep.
Is Msgr. Marini diverting his eyes or do I just imagine it?
Thought bubble from Monsignor Guido Marini
“I give up”
Can I say it Father? What if I leave some out and some for the imagination…
“Beware of … who come to you in the clothing of sheep…”
“Is this the right place? Game of Thrones dress-up, yes? Where Marx?”
I not only have the smell of the sheep, I have a coat of the sheep too!!!
“Dear Father in Heaven, please welcome Aunt Tillie home. Preferably before next Christmas.”
I wonder which diocese he is incardiganated in?
Monsignors Marini and Cihak gave him the sweater vestment so they were the ones chosen to walk in with him as he was showing it off.
Who are we to judge?
They will be with the relics of the three kings in the Koelner Dom!
“…Marini , Marini ….get me the holy afghan!”
Msgr Marini is praying the vestments don’t shrink in the rain!
Laughed hard at first. Love the Onion. I would almost like them if they weren’t vestments. Then this suddenly occurred: Matthew 7:15 and following? Almost eerie to read through verse 27 keeping all that is currently happening in the Church in mind.
I’m sorry if this make me a wet, woolly blanket. : (
…I don’t give a DAMN MARINI, it just better not have any LACE on it!