“¡Hagan lío!”, right?
I had a note last month from John Hastreiter at Leaflet Missal:
About 30 guys on the waiting list.
It’s enough to make you choke up. THIRTY men waiting… waiting… waiting….
YOU, dear readers, have supplied over 100 birettas to seminarians. Kudos. Some thank you notes from seminarians with spiffy new birettas HERE and HERE.
Recently in Rome for the great Summorum Pontificum Pilgrimage, I met two seminarians who are recipients of your birettas!
What is this project and how does this work?
RESOLVED: We want to get as many clerics to use birettas (and all that goes with them – fidelity to doctrine, reverent ars celebrandi, good life choices, solid priestly identity, etc.) as possible.
- Seminarians should 1) discern their hat size and then 2) contact the biretta supplier and get their names on a NEED list.
- YOU, dear readers, contact the biretta supplier and PAY FOR the birettas which are then distributed.
You remain anonymous to each other.
Seminarians and potential donors…
Contact John in church goods at Leaflet Missal in St. Paul – 651-209-1951 Ext-331.
DO NOT WRITE TO ME TO ASK FOR A BIRETTA! (If a seminarian doesn’t get that straight then… how are your grades?!?)
If John is away, leave a voicemail with your phone number and he will call you back ASAP.
There is also a SATURNO FOR CLERICS Project. Ask John about that, too!
I just called and made a donation. come on everyone else. The list is now up to 45 waiting. Everyone reading this, can you throw a few bucks into this and lets get the list down.
Done. I am so happy to be able to do this.