Have you ever worked on a jigsaw puzzle where you didn’t have the finished photo? Slowly enough pieces fit together and you see what is the intended result.
This is in today’s La Verità, which broke The Viganò Testimony.
Guess who’s going to Rome in October to be part of a “gay parade”? Involved in this parade is Bp. Semeraro, who is the coordinator of Francis’ hand-chosen “gang of 9” Cardinals, close advisors.
The “rabbit hole” is fitting, for they “are all mad here”!
All these years I’ve been thinking how awful it was that the homosexuals who marched (or should that be minced? never mind) in the “gay pride” parades dressed up in vestments and habits were actually mocking the Church. Now it seems they were signalling their affections to various despicable clergy.
This is beyond belief, especially given recent revelations – a bishop and a priest at “Gay Pride”? Are these people completely without shame?
I don’t understand how anyone can support this event yet still claim to be a Catholic (never mind a priest or bishop), without their heads exploding from the cognitive dissonance. Both sexual immorality and pride are serious sins according the Church, aren’t they? Sins many of us are guilty of falling into, to be sure, but actually celebrating and promoting them is a different matter.
I truly don’t get it. No one is forced to remain in the Church – why don’t those lacking faith just leave, rather than try to destroy and discredit from within? There is an evil influence at work here.
this has to be a hoax
John Paul II in 2000 on the parade:
“I feel obliged, now, to mention the well-known demonstrations held in Rome in the past few days.
In the name of the Church of Rome I can only express my deep sadness at the affront to the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 and the offence to the Christian values of a city that is so dear to the hearts of Catholics throughout the world.
The Church cannot be silent about the truth, because she would fail in her fidelity to God the Creator and would not help to distinguish good from evil.
In this regard, I wish merely to read what is said in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which, after noting that homosexual acts are contrary to the natural law, then states: “The number of men and women who have deep-seated homosexual tendencies is not negligible. This inclination, which is objectively disordered, constitutes for most of them a trial. They must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.
These persons are called to fulfil God’s will in their lives and, if they are Christians, to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter from their condition” (CCC, n. 2358).”
Still on the Vatican website. How much longer I imagine? https://w2.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/en/angelus/2000/documents/hf_jp-ii_ang_20000709.html
Well, the poison lurking in the mud is certainly hatching out! When the firm hand of God finally strikes, the wicked shall be readily known for their actions.
These days I am reminded of a post Msgr. Pope would put up occasionally. He says that the Church is a ship but your idea of the ship will inform your vision of the Church. Is the Church a cruise ship or a battleship? What type of ship do you see when you go to your Sunday parish Mass?
When pictures of this parade are juxstaposed with pictures of Cardinal Burke and Archbishop Vigano attending the Roman March for Life, we’ll have a perfect picture of where the battle line is drawn.
The Velvet Mafia is shamelessly flaunting the fact that they’re in charge and not going anywhere.
Even were there ever a time for this sort of thing, this is most assuredly not that time
What is the story about people hanging by their ankles? I don’t read Italian, and my eye is drawn inexorably to that photo.
“I don’t understand how anyone can support this event yet still claim to be a Catholic (never mind a priest or bishop), without their heads exploding from the cognitive dissonance.”
The participants believe there will no punishment afforded them by any authority in the Church, up to and including Pope Francis.
Michael Haz: “The participants believe there will no punishment afforded them by any authority in the Church, up to and including Pope Francis.”
Nor, it would appear, by any Higher Authority.
Anita Moore O.P.(lay): It means: “The video of tortures in Libya that moved (shook) Pope Francis (Italians use the surname, with no irreverent connotations) is fake news”
Why don’t they become Anglicans; they go for the whole gay/women priest thing.
In answer to rdb, who at 9:07 on Aug. 30 mentioned a Msgr. Pope post that pops up occasionally.
“[Msgr. Pope] says the Church is a ship but your idea of the ship will inform your vision of the Church. … What type of ship do you see when you go to your Sunday parish Mass?”
I think I’m at an oar in one of the galleys in the Christian fleet at Lepanto. Of course that means I’m below decks, and can’t really see what’s going on – but I have pretty good clues from all the sound and fury, and all the yelling and screaming and explosions around me. I can’t tell whether we are winning or losing – this _particular_ battle, but I know Christ wins – HAS already won – the war.
Oh … you specified “… when you go to your Sunday parish Mass?” Well of course that’d be the all-expenses paid cruise ship. No blood sweat and tears here. Everything’s hunky-dory. We’re all going to Heaven, so ‘Party On!’
Because Malta…. they want to bring down the last authentic, authoritative, moral voice in the world; the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, the Church founded by Christ.
@Malta – For the same reason that a pirate never attacks a ship that is already plundered.
@Malta, because that isn’t as effective a way to undermine Catholic teachings.
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that front page picture disturbed me of the poor souls hanging upside down…..God have mercy
Let’s be direct. Any priest attending a “gay pride ” parade is by their presence defying Catholic teaching. Period. They should be condemned for that.
Considering the behavior I’ve read about that goes on at these things the priests should want to avoid seeing any of it.
It’s not bridge building etc. It’s participating!
That would be like a priest going to an abortion clinic while they were having a party celebrating their work.
I thought about the puzzle analogy earlier and it came to me that we are allowing ourselves to be distracted, if the emerging picture is what we think it is, by approaching the situation as if it were coming about only as the result of the work of people in the Church. There is a certain level of coordination going on among people on various fronts.