From a reader…
Can a Catholic in full communion with Rome use the Breviarium Romanum published by the Econe Seminary (the version used by the SSPX)?
Two issues come forth.
First, only some Catholics are obliged to read the Office. Those who are obliged, should use the proper texts, either the Liturgy of the Hours or the 1962 Roman Breviary.
Catholics who are not obliged to read the Office, and who desire to do so for devotional reasons, can do whatever they want. It would be better to stick to what the Church has approved, obviously. That just makes sense.
Second, the Breviarium Romanum in the 2 volume set by the SSPX publishing wing, Angelus Press – I don’t have one, btw, but I would like one – is the text of the 1962 editio typica. Hence, it is entirely suitable for use by those who must or want to recite the Office.
There is also a 2 volume set published in Germany by Nova et Vetera. I don’t have it – I would like one – but it seems to be good. I don’t think they are associated with anyone in particular. My society has a copy of their Evangelarium, which is nice.
However, keep in mind that the traditional Office is entirely in Latin. Most people today have little facility with Latin. Over time, they can get better, of course. However, a lot of the content of the Office will be inaccessible. There is a 3 volume set republished by Baronius Press that has Latin and English in facing columns. US HERE – UK HERE Not cheap, but beautiful accomplished. And if the point is prayer, then the English helps. Frankly, clerics and those obliged should learn their Latin, but these are helpful. Heck, I use them once in a while, so that I also have English texts in my head and not just Latin.
The FSSP carries the Nova & Vetera breviary in their online store (where those who wish to learn to say the traditional Office should also obtain a 2019 ordo; Hymns of the Roman Liturgy is another helpful book). I have heard that Cardinal Burke uses it to say the Office.
tl;dr – Father wants the two volume Breviarium Romanum.
I wish someone would create a detailed guide to reciting the 1962 Breviary. I was taught personally by a priest from the FSSP for basic lauds and vespers, but when things stray away and get more complicated, I get lost. It would be nice to be able to use my actual Baronius Press Breviary set, given I spent over $700 CAD by the time it got into my possession.
There is an extremely cool app put out by the FSSP that has the Breviarium Romanum as well as live and recorded streaming of TLM, and also the missal for the Mass of the day. Really wonderful! In App Store it’s called iMass and I believe I paid $1.99. There is the Latin side by side with vernacular language of choice.
Not to derail the thread, but what version of the Office does Cardinal Burke pray? I’ve often wondered.
That iMass app by Anchorite Productions that someone mentioned which has the Brieviary in English and Latin can be found
The Breviary and Mass texts of iMass come from the free website You don’t need to pay $2 to get access to those.
The nova&vetera Breviary is sold by the FSSP, but it is not produced by them. The company approached the FSSP to underwrite their project by pre-purchasing a bunch for sale. I understand one of the SSPX Districts did the same for their 1957 Ritual (the last official one before 1962 and the one referenced by the 1964 decree removing the reservation on blessings). I’d highly recommend their Ritual. Very nicely done. The 1957 reorganization is a wonderful thing! No huge appendix, everything is in its place.
To correct Fr Z a bit (sorry, Father), the SSPX Breviary is sold by Angelus, but not published by them. I like the layout, but it’s a bit poorly made. The work was done by the Ecône seminary and several priests, but printed elsewhere in the world. Asia, I think.
I think Angleus would do a far better job, like they did for the hand missal.
I have the nova&vetera edition, and while there are plenty of typographical errors in minor points, I very much like it. It is very well made. I’d recommend it. I’ll certainly buy another, especially if they issue a second edition at some point with the correction to those errors.
The only problem I would see with the SSPX Breviary is that it has September 3 as a First Class Feast, where for most, it would be a third class.
Question. Can someone with obligation to recite the breviary use the
I would say pray the ancient office BUT you’ll never understand WHY we ought to be doing so unless you are already extremely familiar with praying the 1962.
Yes, just use rubrics 1960.
@APX: The book you want is Learning the New Breviary by Bernard Hausmann, S.J. If you ordered from Baronius Press and did not receive a copy retitled Learning the Traditional Breviary, you should contact customer service. You can also download it here:
It is not easy to not to get lost in the breviary.
The 1-volume Breviary from the SSPX is actually a very good, gentle introduction to the 1962 Office, and probably travels better than anything else.
I would like to make a comment as far as one who is obligated to say the divine office. I am a consecrated virgin living in the world and was consecrated during a tlm by my Archbishop. Since at that time I was attending the tlm and felt attached to it. I had/have permission from that now retired Archbishop as well as my current one to use the Roman Beviary in English 1950 Benz bros but must follow the 1962 calendar. I do not have permission to use the latin because as Cardinal Burke told me then unless I have an understanding of the latin then I do not know what I am praying. Just want to
add that this breviary as well the the College ville 1962 English/Latin are options.for those who have an obligation to the divine office.