REVIEW – Compendium of the Miraculous: An Encyclopedia of Revelation, Marian Apparitions, and Mystical Phenomena

The other day I received a fascinating and helpful – and beautiful – book, published by faithful TAN.

Compendium of the Miraculous: An Encyclopedia of Revelation, Marian Apparitions, and Mystical Phenomena by Dcn. Albert E. Graham.


To give you an idea of scale and because daily in my live-streamed Masses I’ve been praying for the miracle of the sudden, complete and lasting eradication of the Wuhan Devil  here it is with a mask.

Obviously this is a hard cover.  It has that shiny “clay” paper (I think it is called) because – and this is a great feature – there are lots of color images.

The contents reveals essays on pertinent topics.

The Table of Contents is long, because quite a number of saints have entries.

As I mentioned… essays.

This is helpful.  I scanned about for some saints with whom I am familiar and the book accurately mentioned what I knew.   This would be helpful for priests who want to mention something about a saint or a miracle during a sermon or talk.

And… also helpful.

Nice book!   It is heavy, because of the materials.  One could “graze” in this volume or simply consult.  And the essays could help people get up to speed on a variety of topics having to do with miracles and private revelations.

Remember!  God does work miracles!  But He won’t work them if we don’t ask for them.  We can do so through the intercession of saints, who desire what is good for us.

Ask for miracles!  Ask and then be content with the answer.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Veronica scriptor velum says:

    Father, is Garabandal given a mention in the book? I didn’t see it in the photos of the index you show us.

    I would love to have this book. Unfortunately the negative consequences from the Wuhan virus have hit my family hard, with one of my sons who has four children having lost his job. My husband and I are doing our best to help them, but to lash out and buy the book right now would be selfish. I’ll have to pray for patience, a virtue I possess in short supply.

    And pray for a miracle too of course, as Father Z reminds us, that this devilish virus disappears, simply snuffs out overnight. Wonder how the enemies of the Faith would explain that one away!

  2. beelady says:

    Thank you for the review, Father Z!
    The book looks beautiful, I just ordered one for my mother for her birthday.
    There is a coupon in the amazon description for 15% off – that brought the price down to $26.

  3. Kent Wendler says:

    Garabandal is mentioned in the section on unapproved Marian apparitions: on p. 466 in 1961 as “Not established as supernatural”.

    I have been in occasional email correspondence with Deacon Graham, and he is most gracious and helpful, particularly with regard to a few puzzling parts I did not understand. There is a big, supernatural world out thee with which I was not acquainted!

  4. acardnal says:

    Fighting the “Wuhan Devil” with masks made in China. Seems logical.

  5. JustaSinner says:

    My Birthday Present wishlist…

  6. Ferretti says:

    Father could you hook me up somehow with Veronica who can’t afford the book? I’d gladly purchase a copy for her. Just ordered one for myself. :-)

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  8. Kansan says:

    Ferretti, your gesture of generosity toward Veronica really blessed my heart this evening.

  9. Joannes_Picus says:

    How about Amsterdam, please, Our Lady of All Nations? Couldn’t see it

  10. JonPatrick says:

    As I read this today on the anniversary of the miracle of the sun at Fatima, I am thinking of the private revelation to Sister Sasagawa of Akita on Oct. 6 last year the same day as the opening of the Amazon Synod and also the probable date that the Chi-Comms launched the Wuhan virus on the world. As the revelation says we need to pray and do penance!

  11. Fr. W says:

    Does it have an index by type of miracle or subject of miracle? That can help for preaching…

  12. Veronica scriptor velum says:

    @ Ferretti

    Dear Friend in Christ, I am quite overwhelmed by your offer; it is something I know I shall never forget. May God shower you with heavenly blessings for your kind and caring heart in wanting to help someone you have never met.
    Yet somehow I cannot allow you do this. When times improve and my son gets back to work – as I pray will happen eventually – I shall hopefully be able to purchase this beautiful book.
    Sincere thanks.

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