Your Sunday Sermon Notes: 15th Sunday after Pentecost (23rd Ordinary – N.O.)

Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass for your Sunday (obligation or none), either live or on the internet? Let us know what it was.

Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.

What was attendance like?

Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass.  I was getting reports that it was way up.  But now COVID… again….  Tell me it doesn’t have a demonic component.

Was the Motu Proprio mentioned?  Any local changes or news?

For those of you who regularly viewed my live-streamed daily Masses – with their fervorini – for over a year, you might drop me a line.

I have some remarks about the TLM – HERE

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Father preached on the resurrection of the son of the widow of Naim, and how God is for life. He preached against abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide. He urged us to do all that we can to end these evils.

    TLM Mass attendance was good. Not SRO, but still up from pre-covid levels. No changes here yet.

  2. Father preached on the resurrection of the son of the widow of Naim, and how God is for life. He preached against abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide. He urged us to do all that we can to end these evils.

    TLM Mass attendance was good. Not SRO, but still up from pre-covid levels. No changes here yet.

  3. Danteewoo says:

    New pastor in my parish, so the sermon was all in Ukrainian. But the Mass, as always, was a vast improvement on anything Novus Ordo-esque.

  4. acardnal says:

    Excellent sermon by the transitional deacon at the N.O. Mass about immutable Truth and doctrine amidst a world of confusion – including confusion caused by some shepherds of the Church!

  5. Gregg the Obscure says:

    awesome homily at the OF Mass from the young parochial vicar who is also a scripture prof at the seminary and one of the hosts of a popular podcast.

    he observed in regard to the reading from James that it isn’t just that we should be welcoming to those in material poverty, though that is indeed something we must do, but we should also welcome those who are poor in pleasing us – those who annoy us.

    he contrasted the true Son of God with the many pagans who claimed to be descended from the gods and described the grandeur and the futility of pagan worship, in contradiction to Christianity which keeps its glories hidden from the world.

    for the first time since lockdown absent the Archbishop as celebrant, we had multiple altar servers, two of whom are seminarians from Myanmar who will be assisting at the Cathedral in a variety of functions throughout the academic year.

    attendance was about 70% of pre-lockdown. more young people than was common before – particularly families with young children – and correspondingly fewer oldsters.

  6. Discerning Altar Boy says:

    Sunday NO Mass at the seminary. Mass featured chanted Propers, including the Gradual and a fully chanted Ordinary, including the Creed, maybe 50% of this was done in Latin. Attendance was, as is expected 100%, or about 50 men and 7 priests.

    Father preached on the necessity of allowing Our Lord to touch us in the parts of our life that are most wounded, just like how He touched the ears and mouth of the deaf and mute man. Especially throughout our formation, we need to be willing to show our wounds in order that they might be healed.

    He also spoke about the fact that our future priesthoods (please God) are going to feature plenty of moments when we feel like we have no idea how we could even begin to offer consolation to those in trouble. In those moments, he assured us that the Lord would provide whatever He needs us to say and do.

  7. teomatteo says:

    ‘Raising of the widow’s son’
    Father cited St Augustine and how the widow was desperate to have her son. The widow was The Church, the son a lost catholic and when one catholic leaves mentally, willfully or thru mortal sin the pain for the Church is akin to that of a mother losing a child (to death). Poignant.

  8. exNOAAman says:

    Significant side note… a long time altar boy at our TLM left to attend seminary a few years back, and has returned to serve on Sundays here and at another nearby parish (also TLM). Yesterday, father announced that this was his last mass because he was flying off to begin formation with ICK. (I got the impression that it’s somewhere overseas.) I forgot about it until I noticed several folks being photographed with him at the altar after mass. I don’t know if the Motu Proprio influenced his decision. We were blessed to have him.

  9. Dan Millette says:

    Back to the local N.O. this weekend. Still no TLM around. There was my young family, and about twenty other people (mostly over 70). I don’t remember what the priest said, but at least he didn’t have a video homily this time.

    However, I must say that I am treasuring Father Z’s weekly column at 1P5. It is filling a much needed void in my life. What was said about Christ’s rigorous journey to Naim hit home for me this week.

  10. monstrance says:

    First Saturday sermon was about 45 minutes long.
    Father shared many treasures concerning the Sacrament of Confession. The entire sermon was about confession.
    It was also the first time I attended an SSPX Mass.
    Next week, they are adding an additional Sunday Mass.

  11. JonPatrick says:

    Away from home again, this time in the Calais ME area where we attended mass at St. James Baileyville a little church located in the shadows of the sprawling and odiferous Woodland paper mill (anyone who has driven through a paper mill town will understand). An excellent sermon by Fr. Brad Morin a newly ordained priest of the diocese. The healing of the deaf man is for us about being able to listen to God and discern His will for us. We are often prevented from listening due to the noise in the world around us, constant gossip, the news, the chatter before and after mass that prevents us from spending some quiet moments before the Blessed Sacrament.

  12. pcg says:

    Attendance was very high this weekend-suprising for Labor Day w/e. The NJ/PA area was hard hit by the Ida hurricane, with tremendous flooding, damage and even loss of life. Father announced four had died in Raritan as a result of the storm-a young women 30 yrs. old, died just across from the parish rectory. And so he tied his homily to the mercy and compassion of the Lord in raising the widow’s son from the dead. I think attendance is up consistently sin MP was issued.

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