From “The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus McButterpants” – 23-06-10 – More on that problem couple and the Nuncio

EDITOR’S NOTE:  +F.Atticus is referring to a couple who asked for his blessed at a reconciliation service back in Lent.  HERE  There was serious fallout.  The couple claimed that +F.Atticus blessed their marriage and now the Nuncio is involved.  HERE

June 10th, 2023

Dear Diary,

It turns out the people who wrote to the Nuncio live outside our diocese. Thank the Lord and get me a scotch! They live just over the border in the Pie Town diocese. They are Dozer’s subjects!  HA!   Their own parish was “throwing up hoops” for them to jump through, so they came over the border to our Engendering Togetherness Community of Welcome.  I love that name.  It turns out that this couple recently moved to America and the man had an annulment from his home country but could not get the documentation from his diocese back home nor could he get a baptismal certificate. Their pastor in Newville, Fr. Bob “anything goes” Newsome who Dozer is always griping about tried to help them but no go.  They had to have the documentation. Then the couple went to Fr. Bruce at Engendering. Bruce ain’t exactly the sharpest fork in the drawer, but even he knew he needed proof the man was free to marry. After that they ambushed me at the Cathedral and escalated it and wrote to Archbishop Florange.  It’s not the first letter the Nuncio has gotten about me, so I keep trying to keep him happy. Dang it if that isn’t life as a bishop, always have to keep everyone happy! Vice better put the petal to the medal. The letter that Mrs. Kennedy drafted for me was the height of groveling. That’ll keep Florange at bay for a while.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. BW says:

    Looks like +Atticus needs to organise a diocese-wide “Synod of Helpful Initiatives in Theological Excellence” or a “Togetherness, Welcome And Talking” workshop. Might help smooth things over with the Bishop’s Conference.

  2. PostCatholic says:

    I hope we can take it as granite that Vice did put the petal to the metal before scheduling the connubial Mass.

  3. Not says:

    I am shocked ! Don’t they know this man is a “migrant”. aka Illegal. Bishop McButterpants must know that you can’t question anything that a migrant says or does.

  4. JustaSinner says:

    What is the Numcio’s name? Msgr I. Careless?

  5. sjoseph371 says:

    In all seriousness, if one cannot get required documentation from one’s previous diocese, what options are there? I’m not saying to go pastor shopping, but what would one do if that documentation is required, but it proves near impossible to get?

  6. sjoseph:

    You always start with your own diocese where you are living now.

    Your local diocesan chancery and tribunal are the ones who can help you if you have exhausted all avenues to get your own sacramental certificates and/or proof of a previous matrimonial case decision (such as a declaration of nullity).

    If you present documentation to your own local diocesan chancery and/or tribunal that you have contacted “parish A” or “diocese “B” or “tribunal C” and did not receive a response, they can take it from there.

    If they are not successful, then THEY (your own local chancery or tribunal) contact the Apostolic Nuncio to have HIM contact his counterpart, the Apostolic Nuncio in whichever country it is, to ask him to intervene and write to the bishop of whichever diocese it is.

    Bishops usually jump when a letter from the Nuncio arrives.

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