The Synod (“walking together”) office wants poems about The Synod (“walking together”). Be careful about what you ask for!

UPDATE: I’ve been told that people who don’t have Twitter accounts can no longer read tweets?  True?

In any event, I’ll post the long poem that Fr V zapped up using ChatBox.  It’s… on the nose.

Originally Published on: Jul 1, 2023 at 13:30


I am not making this up, though I harbor the hope that we’ve been drawn into a stunt.   I would say, joke, but the whole thing is a joke.

The Synod (“walking together”) office has – I am not making this up – invited people to write poems about what the Synod

Here a couple tweets that pertain…

First, the great Father V:

Next Damian Thompson:


As per above:

In the realm of faith, a gathering unfolds,
But caution whispers, as the story unfolds.
A synod, they call it, with intentions unclear,
A path diverging, from truths held dear.

Beware, oh faithful, for danger may lie,
In the shadows of this heretical sky.
For wolves may hide, dressed in sheep’s attire,
Seeking to lead astray, with cunning and desire.

The synod’s purpose, a veiled disguise,
To challenge doctrines, that we recognize.
To question the teachings, that have stood the test,
And sow seeds of doubt, in hearts at rest.

But hold fast, dear souls, to the ancient creed,
The truths handed down, in word and deed.
For heresy may dance, with enticing allure,
But the rock of faith, remains steadfast and pure.

Let not the winds of change, sway your belief,
In the timeless truths, that bring us relief.
Stay rooted in Scripture, in tradition’s embrace,
For there lies the path, to God’s eternal grace.

So guard your hearts, with vigilance and care,
Against the whispers, that may lead you elsewhere.
Stay true to the faith, that has stood the test,
And let not heresy, disturb your soul’s rest.

For in the face of challenges, we shall endure,
With faith as our shield, and truth as our cure.
The heretical synod, may come and go,
But the Church, unshaken, will continue to grow.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    “Cardinals in red,
    The faithful are blue,
    To those in denial,
    We say “Brute, et tu?”

  2. Gregg the Obscure says:

    as i noted on twitter, the Grateful Dead of all people foresaw this in the 80s:
    You imagine me sipping champagne from your boot
    For a taste of your elegant pride.
    We may be going to hell in a bucket,
    But at least I’m enjoying the ride.

  3. hilltop says:

    There once was a Bishop of Rome
    Whom the Faithful all wished had stayed home
    When he came into sight
    Many people took fright:
    “Never heard of him dear,
    Something feels very queer,
    He sure as hell ain’t Saint Jerome”
    After ten years of walking together
    With Christ’s Church behind on a tether
    “Make a mess! Let’s be bold!
    Nothing Ancient or old!
    “What is truth” after all?
    But a fun free-for-all!
    Worry not of the deep world nether!”

    Looking back to 2013
    ‘Cross the many years now in between
    The Church now slow-boiled
    The Serpent is coiled
    But what of this Pope?
    He offers no hope
    He’s both angry curmudgeon and teen!
    The worst was his Amazon Synod
    Have an eye for the heresies in it
    Those long days were grim
    (Though Pachamama can’t swim!)
    “Love the Amazon River
    She’s the true giver!
    Christianity should be baptized in it”
    Comes the synod of synodality
    Riding the corpse of man’s rationality
    Instrumentum Laboris
    Writ by Babylon’s whore is
    The Preamble of doom:
    “The Church must make room
    For whatever we decide is reality.”
    The damage of 70 years
    Stretches before and behind us in tears
    White, Crimsons and Violets
    The colors of Pilates
    Who gather in Rome
    While the Faithful at home
    Pray reparation for all their just fears
    Thus now, in looking ahead
    To the on-coming synod with dread
    Take cheer in the knowledge
    That priests now in college
    Out-number, out-think and out-pray
    Those “walking together” today
    (And numbers aside
    We have Christ on our side!)
    The Synod’s for those who are dead.

  4. robtbrown says:

    What about Official Walking Together Synod posters, numbered and signed by the artist, Marko Rupnik?

  5. BrazilianTrad says:

    Now it would sure be delightful to see a poem written in Latin, in dactilic hexameter, just to piss off those in Rome, although it would probably past by them due to their lack of Latin…

  6. Charivari Rob says:

    Yes, I had the same trouble with Twitter, just the other day.
    I haven’t experimented with a representative sample yet. I will let you know if the problem persists.

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