From “The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus McButterpants” – 23-07-13 – Pizza or tacos

Editor’s Note:  After a longish road trip, I’ve been able to give more time to email.  Several more entries have come in.  I’ll post as I am able to transcribe, decipher and edit the stuff that can’t be posted.

July 13th 2023

Dear Diary,

Still thinking about the inner-city parishes and the ones on the west side. Only a few, but they struggle to meet the parish tax. Long-term issue. Joe in the Fort Louis diocese said he got one of these new communities “Our Lady’s New Mission of Evangelization” into one of his parishes. Three priests and then a handful of sisters in kind of old-style habits. Things were going okay until it was discovered that the founder was not okay. But the NME priests seemed blameless and the Sisters were liked by everyone. Those habits, though. What a throwback! A ton of fabric. Veils almost to the floor!!  Do I really want the blowback from the disgraced founder?  It’s bound to come eventually.  I think he died a few years ago? Get Gilbert and Vice to look into it. Five minutes on their phones and they should be able to suss out what people are up to and if they are worth the effort or not. All I know is that they got money from other sources to cover the shortfall in the parish tax. The guys all speak Spanish, so that’s a plus. The NME has been in the US long enough, at least some of them, long enough to pick up English.

Next week, TWO ministries meetings. Gotta check in with staff, be present, make sure they feel valued. We’ll order pizza! Balloons maybe. Get Mrs. Kennedy on it.  Or we could go with the taco truck again. That was awesome last summer. People had to stand outside in the driveway for a while, but they were all talking to each other and laughing. Building community!  Everyone was happy and that’s what counts.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. BW says:

    +Atticus is a model for bishops everywhere.

    Short term problem: previous guy is to blame.

    Long term problem: next guy’s issue.

    The trads don’t have time for all the earwigging because of the trials of raising families.

  2. Not says:

    I love the comment about ” The Sisters in those old style Habits”
    I personaly attend Mass with many many Sisters in those habits. New vocations abound. I have the greatest respect for the Sisters. I refer to them as My Sisters. They are devout, hard working, talented and learned, along with a great sense of humor and a general happy attitude. There was a time when a Nun in Habit was given the instant respect they deserve. They took the Veil. Brides of Christ. I personaly have defended them against verbal attacks by weak imitations of men.
    I have told them that they should apoligize to the Sisters because they are Brides of Christ and you don’t want the wrath of God for attacking his Brides.
    It is understandable this push for women Deacons. They want a platform to preach , in their minds at the same level as men. How silly, Don’t these feminist realize that all women who embrace their lives as wives, daughters, and Nuns puts them at a higher plane, Father Malachi Martin said at a talk we attended years ago, that Eve eating the apple was Adams fault. Adam was to take care of Eve, instead he spent his time on other things in The Garden. I said to Father jokingly everything is our fault?

  3. Saint110676 says:

    Who cares about the founder of the NME if his followers are doing good work. Beggars cannot be choosers and +Atticus needs them. Look forward to what +Atticus will do when and if Biden and other pro-choice Catholic candidates come to the Diocese of Libville and want to go to communion.

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